
Good for Lamar. The pro-active approach shows that he’s taking his recovery pretty seriously. I wish him the best. I’m planning on entering a residential treatment facility for depression after the holidays. I’m terrified but I can’t keep living the way I have been for the past 3 years. The hardest hurdle for me to

Also, not sure that whoever fills that seat will be better than Scalia - the man was a racist asshole, but he was also pretty pro-Constitution and at this rate Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will be somebody who has been trying to get rid of the court system.

Meh, Scalia dying just set us up for this presidency. A LOT of the usually decent conservatives I know (on Facebook) held their noses and voted for Trump just because of “the scotus seat”. So.

That’s how the rapture works...

God damnit Kanye.

So if you’re at 22 weeks and they find that the fetus is pretty much a brainless blob that will probably die during a long and painful birth, you just have to suck that shit up? Fuck these people.

“Sanctity of human life” is such a hollow fucking phrase, especially when it comes from anti-choice folks.

Nice. Now he can pat himself on the back with how he “compromised.” The Heartbeat Bill was merely a distraction.

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

I’m still in shock how much this Angie and Brad thing blew up... To be fair, I always think everyone is going to make it. I guess I’m just shocked it all fell apart this badly so suddenly. Like, damn, something bad must’ve happened to break up a family like that. And I believe her that something bad did happen on

This is sad. They seem like a really normal, nice couple. They didn’t appear disdainful of each other at all and actually seemed to work well as team.

I saw one episode where it was clear the house didn’t sell or it didn’t sell in time for editing. That was a first, and I liked it as it was far more realistic than the regular formula. I’m more surprised that it aired.

Maybe if they were religious they would still be together and happy.

2016 is when Satanists are the good guys.

My step-sister asked me what my religious views are this week. Guess I just figured them out!

President Obama literally called him a jackass for doing that.

No, I’m pretty sure that he was widely roasted for behaving like such an ass. Even the people who don’t like Taylor Swift found it petty and stupid.

Is it though? It seems pretty obnoxious and egotistical, if you ask me.

Wait, when did this kind of behavior become cute and delightful? Because nah, this shit isn’t cute and delightful. It doesn’t matter who does it - it’s childish.

Ok I love Atlanta and Darius, and am not a big fan of Silicon Valley I alone in thinking that this was kind of a dick move/not funny?