
There is no such thing as normal!

Motherhood made my anxiety, which had previously been well-managed, go through the fucking ROOF. It was OUT OF CONTROL. I would have freaky panic attack feelings regarding the baby all the time. This is pretty normal, I think? I think it’s worse for people who already deal with anxiety, but it’s definitely a part of

Also, my experience was that ramping up really slowly was good. I was on half a pill of the lowest dose to start with and had nauseau, etc. and felt a little manic after a few days, it all settled down and I went up to the full pill fine.

Ask the doc about Benidryl? Sorry I can’t spell.

I fucking love my Zoloft. I have anxiety disorder and PTSD. I also carry a stash of over the counter allergy pills in case of panic attacks. It makes me calm and sleepy. (If anyone else in your family had a medication they took for similar issues, the same meds might work well for you.) I almost worship my Zoloft.

If you are already prone to anxiety, having a helpless thing dependent on you can really mess you up. Despite my long-term issues with anxiety and depression, I actually didn’t have any real post-partum issues, but several years later my anxiety is starting to worsen regarding driving in particular. I finally started

Good luck to you! Being a mom, especially a new mom, is hard work!! Just remember to take some time to yourself too. See if your significant other can watch the baby and go take a relaxing bubble bath.

Ativan might be a good choice for that, because it stops a panic attack cold. It’s not an ideal longterm solution for coping with anxiety, but it helps for functionality and getting everything else back on track. It doesn’t have the depressive qualities of Xanax as well - including the sleepiness. I’d definitely ask

Years ago, I had a very short maternity leave, but a very complicated delivery, which had me returning to work sick. The overwhelming burden of responsibility for the new little one, plus concerns about job performance and maintaining my income, and then the pain and vulnerability of my own broken body gave me daily

I have had panic attacks for decades. They can be so debilitating; it’s awesome you’re seeking help.

That’s totally normal! You just have to breathe through it.

I’m not a mother, trying to get pregnant. Crippling anxiety for forever. Lexapro plus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps me. Lexapro has been the only thing that helps, it does have side effects but I just have to deal.

New mom here too, and some anxiety is totally normal. Hormones are crazy. That being said, I was blessed with an excess of anxiety, and it sounds like you are too. 2 things really helped me (medication was not an option for me, but you bet your sweet ass I would take it in a heartbeat if it would’ve helped and

My advice is that the sooner you recognise you have close to zero control the happier you will be.

Firstly, congrats on taking this huge step! Second, once you’ve successfully become pregnant, it is totally normal to go from excited to convinced you’ve made a terrible mistake to every reaction in-between! Planning is great when you’re pregnant and (eventually) a new mom, but try and prepare yourself that plans will

Me too!!! Getting my IUD taken out on Monday! I’m super excited but also nervous. It’s taken me basically an entire year to get to this point of actually feeling ready. Good luck! Maybe we will be internet baby buddies!

I struggled with anxiety and control, and having a child strengthened me. I was fine and you will be, too.

I used to be you! I thought my sister and I were going to be crazy old spinster ladies together. I met my now husband through after my sister was driving me crazy and I decided I needed to meet some new people. I can’t guarantee that you’ll eventually find someone, but if I can, the girl who never, ever

Was 32 and single got married late in life to someone waaaay younger. You definitely need to broaden your social circle if everyone is already married. Almost none of my friends were and several still aren’t. Also, just b/c you’re single at 32 doesn’t mean you’ll be single for life AT ALL. You just need ONE man, not

Okay, for a bare moment I was the first person to SNS and it scared the shite out of me. I’m new to this, been reading for a couple of years but new to posting. I saw how much support was given freely and wanted to be a part of that. Also, I found Jez soon after moving abroad and it was lovely to read messages from