Kristopher R

But "Lost Angeles Plays Itself" was a godawful clip show featuring a guy whining about how no movie has ever treated LA the way he felt it should have.

I thought "Pain and Gain" was the good Michael Bay movie.

The Good Dinosaur wasn't crap?

I distinctly remember watching "Dexter" and seeing the scene wherein Trinity opens the bathroom door to his childhood home and he shudders and is immediately taken back in time in his own mind. I said to my wife "shit, I think John Lithgow just won the Emmy this year."

He also surfs on a dump truck right beforehand.

Poor Amy Poehler.

I don't even own a zoo.

"The Blow Must Go On."

I tend to think the one take scene was broken up when the camera was behind the guy going into the house. His back takes up the entire shot, I believe there was a hidden cut there. But that's just a guess. It was still a fascinating scene to watch.

I really only come here for the comments section.

It can be both

So it improves the song? Still not listening to it.

It can be both

he can be two things

"Sometimes worthy of not looking at your phone!"

In the thumbnail, Zooey looks like Kimmy Gibler. *shudder*

No but, it did always end up with my sister running from the room once the dude got toxic wasted dumped on him.

Growing up my family would watch "Robocop" every Thanksgiving day. You know, because of it's family friendly themes.

The thing that always bothered me about Jason Jones is that he makes each and every story he works on into something quasi-cinematic while others strive to make their stories seem right out of 60 Minutes but comedic.

I always assumed it was a wink to a similar Freddy Mercury photo. I could be wrong.