Kristopher R

I thought throughout the sketch that the Game Show host was Eugene Levy's son. But apparently not? I can't find the actor's name.

I think Room 237 was really about the obsessiveness people experience with the movie — but it came off as amateur at best. I will stick with Rob Ager/Collative Learning videos for dissection.

Room 237 was awful.

Thank you for putting "A Good Day to Die Hard" as number 1. The original "Die Hard" is my absolute favorite film. All I could think while watching "A Good Day.." was 'that's not John McClane.' He was a grumpy old man who was a sidekick and he just didn't care, the complete opposite of the John McClane from the

Given the way Breaking Bad ended, I was hoping that "Better Call Saul" would be a sequel in a sort of 'wherever Saul goes, trouble follows' type of way. But I guess then we wouldn't be able to see Mike or Kuby do some dirty work.

Yes, the make-up and effects are fantastic. However, like this particular review points out; the story has only one end-game …and it's not a happy one. So each and every episode is only one step closer to misery for the characters in one way or another. That being said, there's a LOT of filler in each season.

"The Walking Dead" has become hate-watching at its finest for me.