I’m sure they’ll look at the science. It sounds like for most people who have symptoms they come and go in about a day. So if there’s no known exposure and it comes and goes quickly after the shot, they may attribute to vaccine. There are already special rules for healthcare workers regarding potential exposure and…
Last poll was down to 40%. Since the rollout will be slow, we'll see how that changes as more groups get it.
It will be like when the election was called for Biden, a short, intense feeling of relief followed by a few months of anxiety waiting for that second shot and hoping for a good immune response. Plus concerns about how long the vaccine will prove effective, if there will be any long term side effects as mRNA vaccine…
That was one of the things we talked about in our weekly COVID call at my hospital and they're working on plans. Employee health is going to be even more exhausted.
The FDA* certainly started their evaluation process the moment they recieved the application and all the corresponding data. They expect to have it approved by next week. Not only is it important that they take the time to thoroughly evaluate what they recieved, you also need to realize logistical steps to get the…
I take it you haven’t watch the brilliant The Man in the High Castle.
Or pull a trump and just not pay the bill.
It’s Florida so Desanits would likely overrule the refusal.
Lying Lindsey should have a giant question mark on his head.
He’s already doing that with the pointless social security tax holiday that we magically won’t have to pay back if he get’s re-elected.
I had a job like that in when I was in my late 20s. Kept telling my supervisor (a VP) that we needed more help and that I kept working more and more hours and we’re still falling further behind. Her response was that she works until midnight most nights.
In the very early days of photography, the only photo you might have is after a person died. Memento Mori Victorian death photos were quite common.
Apparently it went like this: “He said, ‘We have trees that are far more explosive’—he meant explosive in terms of fire—‘but we have trees that are far more explosive than they have in California, and we don’t have any problem, because we manage our forests.’
Coerced sterilization is a shameful part of America’s history, and one doesn’t have to go too far back to find examples of it. Used as a means of controlling “undesirable” populations – immigrants, people of color, poor people, unmarried mothers, the disabled, the mentally ill – federally-funded sterilization programs…
Are you one of the infection control people at my hospital? Because we get that speech every week during our COVID update call. Also to stop it with the nosedicking (although they use the more professional cover your damn nose) and was your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds.
An LLM in Tax Law could come in handy.
I didn’t find the dancing to be gratuitous to the plot either and while the girl were trying to mimic sexy moves from a video they saw, they elicited sadness from me. The way the scene on the steps was shot it was clear that these were little girls somewhat awkwardly trying to mimic the dancers in the video the video…