
It’s about 3x what they cost per unit 6 months ago. While may be affordable for you and me, expensive for businesses to provide to their employees. If they can find them and know and care enough to get them rather than the non-certified mask of unknown quality. 

It’s about 3x what they cost per unit 6 months ago. While may be affordable for you and me, expensive for businesses

I find the most breathable mask that still provides good protection is a ASTM Level 3 procedure mask (which is not the same as a standard 3 ply mask you see on Amazon) from a company such as Halyard or McKesson. They are far more comfortable to wear when doing something physical than any of the cloth masks I have.

I find the most breathable mask that still provides good protection is a ASTM Level 3 procedure mask (which is not

Thank you.

Thank you.

I don’t generally do that with my cloth masks although I do occasionally re-wear them the next day if I’ve walked my dog and didn’t run into anyone during the walk (not hard to do as I tend to go early or late to avoid the heat). I went a bit crazy mask buying back in March when my first etsy order was cancelled so

I have a mesh dedicates laundry bag attached to my washer with a magnet and I put my masks in there when I take it off. Convenient and they seem to survive washing better in a dedicates bag.

I have to leave the house to walk the dog every day. And to go to work most days. So I generally go through two masks a day. I’m upstate rather than downstate but we wear mask here as well. 

I haven’t watched that series  all but she sold me on it. Adding it to my list.

They’re going to say similarly offensive and factually inaccurate things about whomever Biden chooses.

Because he’s an idiot. Possibly a drunken idiot. I think that was a picture of him comparing his fat belly to a pregnant belly and was in no way sexual. It didn’t cross his mind that it would be taken that way. But that’s just my theory. 

Thank you. Harris is the correct answer. She’s extremely well qualified. Plus Rice has never run for office and we need someone good at doing so to balance out Biden

My niece lives in Texas and her parents are christian and republican (although mostly disinterested and don’t even bother voting).

Are you sure your feel sorry for all the people he might have infected?

My dentist actually does have asthma yet still manages a mask.

Except that’s not how masks work (unless you are wearing a properly fitted so it fully seals N95 and goggled like medical professionals wear). Cloth and procedure masks are worn to keep your particle to yourself/to protection those around you. They may provide some limit protection for yourself (still being studied)

From what I’ve read, it’s quite possible he has it but still tested negative if he was only recently infected. It can take a few days after infected to have enough of the virus in your system for it to show up on a test. 

President Trump started his Wednesday morning the way he normally does. He woke from his sleeping coffin,te

As much as I’m still not comfortable working in a hospital and leave my shoes outside and shower when I get home, I logically know I’m far safer in a NY hospital than working in a bar in Texas or a grocery store in Arizona or a meat packing plant anywhere.

Now playing

Need to watch Inglorious Bastards a few times before it goes away. 

That and Under the Rainbow appeared to be on every morning for an entire summer in the early 80s. Every day before the pool opened we’d watch them.

That looks like one of trumps tacky as shit places covered in faux gold paint so nothing worth saving. Might want to check for any hidden financial records before burning it down, though.