
Interesting. I’ll keep that in mind should I ever wear one. For now mask are required in NYS so I wear a cloth one. 

As the saying goes, “your mask protects me, my mask protects you,” so please use a valve-less mask to do your part in reducing transmission.

and 94% of them had at least one comorbidity, meaning that they had at least one other disease in addition to COVID-19.

A LOT of business that employed a lot of people are going to have this happen to them if solutions aren’t found.

One of my favorite local restaurants is doing just that in addition to curbside pickup.

There will absolutely be shenanigans. The GOP been playing the long game with voter suppression. Hell, white men have been doing that in one form or another since before we became a country.

Generation Z and Millennial voters hold a net-negative personal opinion of Biden, with just a quarter of young voters viewing him favorably (44 percent view him unfavorably).

HGTV is pretty much backup tv for me although I do enjoy to hate watch Americans and their unreasonable expectations on House Hunters International. As well as the occasional reasonable ones like the person from NYC who talked about how big the modest kitchen in somewhere in Italy I think, was.

Do they have dogs? Because who needs the perfect couple when you have Frank and the other dogs Good Bones.

Especially now when they can’t just fly them to NY where they can have one quietly.

Some idiot protesters will. But, no, certainly not the powers that be.

Staying home. She only leaves the yard to do two physical distance keeping walks around her neighborhood daily.

In the short term I think it’s something they will have to do to get people flying again. In the near term not only should flights be refundable if you or a member of your party is ill, the airlines should checking/asking about symptoms and contacts before letting anyone on their airplane for the protection of both


I can hand sew a few repairs but that's it.

Too busy with just in time supply chain - out of primarily China to save money - to increase those profits.

The mask I am currently wearing (at work, in a hospital, non-patient care) was sewn by my uncle. Rare, I know. The additional ones I ordered from etsy seem to be women quilters shifting their business. 

Now playing

The general consensus seems to be shifing.

I’m in IT at a hospital and feel like my multiple handmade cloth masks (I used two today because I touched the inside of my mask in error and they both went right in the wash when I got home./the removed one in a paper bag until I got home) are safer than reusing a surgical mask that’s been sitting in a plastic bag.

At work (hospital) surgical mask are being reused (I know, it’s awful) and are stored in a paper bag between use. I honest don’t understand how you can put it back on and not contaminate yourself if something got on it. No wonder so many medical personnel are getting sick.