
Because it’s close to your face. And I change my shirt when I come back from grocery shopping/work, wash my hands, glasses and face. I don’t worry so much about my jeans or my jacket but a shirt gets pulled over my head and might touch my face. I don’t wash it immediately but it goes in the laundy and I won’t wear it

But to you change your shirt every day (assuming you’re leaving your house).

Reasons why we shouldn’t: Rabbit’s have decided to turn my raised bed into a nest. Stupid rabbits. 

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I don’t watch many vlogs. My go-tos are Dodo pet rescue and tiny house/van/apartment/hobbit hole videos. That being said, I will forever be a fan of My Drunk Kitchen and friends.

I agree about having utility. My “math” says that if wearing a hand sewn one is 50+% effect at blocking the virus then both parties wearing them are at least 100% effective.

Thank you for clarifying. I’ve seen those 2.5 inserts for sale with etsy mask but couldn’t confirm if/how useful they would be versus just the cloth mask vs putting a tissue in the mask.

Yes but I have not seen them tested as a "filter" within, for example,  a homemade cotton tshirts mask. That's what's I'd like to see.

No doubt he will build something amazing. Eventually. Probably be ready a few months after we have an effective it should be ready sometime in 2022.

No doubt he will build something amazing. Eventually. Probably be ready a few months after we have an effective it should be ready sometime in 2022.

That’s what I’d like to see. I’ve heard various suggestions such as folded paper towels, tissues, tissue paper, coffee filter, cut up hepa vacuum cleaner bags, dried out toilet paper, PM2.5 filter (which as far as I can tell block bigger pollutants and dust but not viruses...but maybe I”m misunderstanding), felt.

I’m not going to pretend to understand the science of masks/filters but isn’t the coronavirus considerable smaller than PM2.5?

Musk is an opportunist who claims he’ll be making ventilators ASAP but I’m not buying. However, they have been using CPAPs in Europe in connection with snorkel masks.

They’ve been doing testing on various materials and it does look like they provide some protection although some fabrics are better than others:

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I’m very excited for Ladj Ly’s Les Miserables. I’m been waiting months for them to release it.

I am joking but I wonder how many Americans with cottages in Canada have decided to relocate. Especially if the NEXUS lanes are still open and noone is asking them if their travel is essential. Hiding in Canada might full under the heathcare exemption.

And here I was thinking I’d not only skip town but flee to Canada. I’d bring a months worth of food for the pup and I and self quarantine for a month in a beach cottage. With internet. That seems like a reasonable plan.

Sounds like not directly but in 2020 and beyond, I’m sure we’ll be paying off the debt one way or another. 

That sounds like - assuming you still have a job - you should make an adjustment to their withholdings so that they get almost nothing back.

Antivirals can as well, if they find the right one. But science takes time which is why we need to slow the spread as much as possible. 

How about this one: