
Plus trumps don't read. They preen and pose (badly).

I can relate. I was in Scotland in September and it was nice to see we’re not the only fucked up country. Plus in pubs, we didn’t have to hang our heads in shame. We, the British and the many Aussies we ran into all just wondered how we managed to fuck things up so badly.

Please. I’ve read a lot of books in my day* and he’s not reading. That’s pretend reading. Like in detention when the teacher checks in but you’re actually just fucking around because Return of the Native is so boring with all the pages on the fauna and such. I still cannot appreciate Hardy, I don't care how lovely his

Wasabi latkes and brisket sound amazing.

He’s clearly both lying and stupid. And a racist asshole. 

A lot of budgeting is what works for your own psychology.

This is the who. I’m not sure about the why.

Don’t forget upstate New York. And probably Staten Island, although I don’t know that one for a fact but I’d put money on it...because Staten Island.

But the problem with allowing Clinton and Biden to be considered centrist is it pushes the center too far right. They’re more center-right than true center. Especially Biden. 

Meanwhile, trump is trying to get the SNAP eligibility rules because those lazy school kids shouldn’t be getting a free lunch.

Self pardon for all crimes - upheld by the US Supreme Court. If he gets another term he’ll likely get at least one more Kavanaugh.

Neither trump nor congressional republicans care about the truth. It’s all about deflection.

I had no idea Booker was a vegan. It wouldn’t effect my vote ... but I’m not from Iowa.

Centrist compared to Sanders/Warren on things like Healthcare and Student Loan forgiveness. Not pretty much what a republican was a few decades ago before they completely sold their souls for for power “centrist”. I really like Castro and his policies.

As are the all the complaints about the do-nothing democrats who should stop wasting time on impeachment when they should be working on helping the American people.

Both Julian Castro and Cory Booker have the same smart (Stanford/Harvard Law and Stanford/Rhodes Scholar/Yale Law, respectively) credentials and mayoral experience then went on and gained national experience. So arguably more qualified. Plus they take positions on things - many of which are fairly centrist. Yet the

I can forgive Disney ... but not Hanks.

That’s Tom Hanks. Making virulently anti-union Walt Disney - who used the excuse Disney was a “family” to pay substandard wages then cried “communists” when they struck - out as a nice guy. He also willingly testified and turned people into the House Unamerican Activities Committee and was rumored to be an FBI spy. 

Neither funny nor scary so yes, definitely my enemy.