
Don’t try to confuse me with all the sportsball talk. Hanks may be a decent guy but I still don't trust him and know he's my enemy.  Maybe I'm the supervillain. 

You are absolutely correct about Tom Hanks and he’s the same reason I will not watch the Mister Rogers movie.

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It’s in America’s DNA to exploit each an every loophole for profit. Especially when that loophole disproportionately affects/hurts black people. 

Unless that “everybody” is your employer who gives you a free flu shot so you don’t get sick and keep working and you don’t get your coworkers sick so they can keep working.

He’ll just print out some of his tweet and send them as his statement.

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I’ve watched Atomic Blond at least a dozen times. It is a perfect action movie.

You are gift giving hero. I don’t want more clutter. A bottle of wine or some cookies and coffee. That’s a lovely gift that I will use. 

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Well, Charlie is just a voice (although it could certainly be a woman’s voice) and from the trailer Bosley seems like the most interesting character so I could see why Elizabeth Banks would choose that role. To me, the fact that it has a female director is more important than a female Charlie.

While it only gets down to -20 a few days a year, financially it doesn’t work. As someone who buys a few year old used car with maybe 50,000 miles on it then keeps it for a good decade, I’m going to to save any money buy buying one.  

I like the idea of an electric car in theory but I drive less than 4000 miles a year with freezing temperatures four or five months a year. I’ve read that solid state batteries are in development that should have less issues with cold. Although I suspect technology may lead to me having no car in ten years using the

Fuck that Sorkin nostalgia for the time “we sure used ta be” the greatest country in the world. A time when we “acted like me” and revered “great men” who were most certainly white. A time of Jim Crow. A time when women couldn’t get a credit card or buy house or obtain birth control. A time when it was illegal to be

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He’s no Sean Spicer: (Warning: offensively bad dancing and the costumes may cause blindness).

Sadly logic loses yet again. I understand that I pay $100/per biweekly paycheck for my health insurance. My employer pays $400/per pay period (fuck insurance is expensive ... that’s just for me not some family plan).

Smart having options as it looks like they plan to shut down the mutiny by driving many of us away. With spinter gone i already go to salon and the daily beast. It's the subkinjas that bring me here regularly. 

Ill check my email this evening although the new message at the top of backtalk (and I assume others - i just haven't been online at work today) - makes me think the subkinjas will be gone soon.

I don’t plan to use it for more than checking the announcements section periodically to see if they come up with a site (they’re already working on one that may or may not come to something I’d be interested in or if there’s a migration to some other place like Wonkette or a subreddit or

Since the early days of kinja (2013, maybe, it all blurs) if you had an issue you would contact (or various other ways at various times) and Ernie would fix it. Much better at IT customer support than I will ever be. The data team is one of the tech groups that keeps these sites running. My

Don’t insult vultures. They server an important purpose in the ecosystem. 

I submit this hellhound.