
I’m pretty sure the kinja issues are because Ernie left - as he was holding this place together for years with duct tape, bubble gum and sheer willpower. Or he left because he saw the changes coming (technical and other) and decided he couldn’t take it anymore. I’m sure he was underpaid and hope he landed somewhere

Well, fuck. I love York Peppermint Patties. I will keep going back and having just one more of those stupid things even though they’re kind of making my stomach a bit queezy because it’s too much minty sugar for my good so I just can’t stop. Now I feel like I need to be supporting Cory Booker. Maybe that was your plan

I am not that into cricket but I did enjoy the movies Lagaan and UnIndian.

Mostly I went for the political adjacent stuff like stadium financing and the NCAA and the Baylor sexual assaults cover up guest staring Ken Starr. I might not watch football but I will read about traumatic brain injuries or lock him up chanted to trump at the World Series. If I cared about sport I would read The

Yup. They’re why we can’t have nice things. I was going to call them vampire squids but that’s really an insult to actual vampire squids which are very cool looking and neither vampires nor squids.

I was wondering if the sports edict was an early step in preparations to sell it off to sports type place. Which I’m sure would go as wall as bringing the AV club over here did. 

I don’t follow sport either but I still enjoy Why Your Team Sucks every year.

The rule of thumb is 25x your annual spending, not your income.

In NYS, if your family income is less than $125,000/year, state schools are tuition free for residents. One still has to pay books and fees but if you can live at home and go to school, it’s pretty affordable. 

Now playing

You had me at It has come to my attention.

I would recommend he still apply. Payments can sometimes be retroactive to the original application even if that’s denied if there is later legislation/other change to the regulations or if there’s a change in scientific/medical findings. It depends on how they write the legislation/what the finding are.

I would go with a firm but cheerful, we’re going out for Chinese for dinner tonight, our treat. And if he tries to argue about his share I would say something about you paid for your ticket or gas or whatever to get here, so we’re paying for dinner.


It’s a bit to cogent and grammatically correct for an actual trump tweet. It needs more misspellings/incorrectly used works as well as some random to us punctuation.

Once you factor in the time getting to the various venues, waiting in lines and the talks after the movies, four is hard enough. Plus too many movies a day and they start to blur. 

More NYT bullshit op-eds trying to keep the both sides nonsense going and pushing to support the status quo.

Don’t worry. Climate change will. Just not quite as quickly as an asteroid.

Have another one.