“Your views are not consistent with the average Granite Stater, number one. Number two, get over it.”
“Your views are not consistent with the average Granite Stater, number one. Number two, get over it.”
Roe V. Wade happens and Republicans spend the next FIFTY YEARS clawing their way into the Supreme Court to overturn it.
One of the major planks in the Republican Party Platform appears to be “there are no quiet parts” and I don’t see any indications they have actual problems with any of this.
If he personally dislikes abortion but supports full bodily autonomy…he’s pro-choice. That’s what pro-choice is. But he won’t call himself that, which I have seen more than once in my own life.
You cannot call yourself a feminist if you are not pro choice. You can make the personal choice not to have an abortion but if you don’t allow women to make that choice for themselves, that’s a problem.
Right. If I am ok with this, then it means I would have to be ok with the anti-gay protestors who used to turn up at funerals of people who died from AIDS to tell their families that the dead gay man deserved it. I will never be ok with that....
I dunno. I wouldn’t disrupt a funeral, no matter who’s involved.
From my good friend this morning, “Andrew gets the Corgis because he has the most experience at grooming.”.
An honest conversation around the tense relationship between AOC and the Democratic leadership has to acknowledge that the people who hold power in the party are deeply corrupt and often actively fight against the best interests of their voters. She didn’t show up as a wrecking ball in a perfectly functional,…
Those criticisms were (and are) valid, though. The democratic party apparatus has pretty open disdain for the progressive part of its caucus.
Is this the same snowflake that had Gawker shut down? He can fuck right off.
Evie Magazine’s TikTok influencer founder Brittany Hugoboom (she goes by Brittany Martinez in bylines on Evie)
“court order, law or legal process.” That does not mean court order. That means court order, legal process, OR law. So if some anti-abortion law is passed in your State, they will use the law’s mere existence to volunteer your information to law enforcement. Handmaid’s tale is right.
I wonder what the rightwing response would be if George Soros invested in an app that tracked individual gun ownership?
What, children are not possessions?
Your mom was a wise woman.
And the whole “Sorry I’ve been verbally and emotionally abusive. I had a bad day at the office.” excuse is so deeply gross and commonplace. Be an adult and go decompress when you have a bad day. Recognize your fucking emotions and deal with them yourself, don’t make it your kids’ fucking problem!!! UGH - my stepdad…
That family is detestable and I wish they were covered less. In fact, the hyper coverage amplifies the emotional and verbal abuse of his ex (looking at you Jezebel). But, his disrespect of black women does not mean she is not being victimized in this particular scenario. It is pretty rich of Kanye to play the race…
People who have platforms who confidently spout ignorant bullshit suck! No trans advocate would ever support parents “turning” their child trans! Trans inclusivity means letting kids tell you their gender on their own time frame without pressure. For the overwhelming majority that means kids will just end up being…