KristenfromMA - A Moon Shaped Fool

I’m in Arizona. 90% of Mark Kelly’s ads that I’ve seen on streaming channels are just clips of Masters saying that people who support abortion rights are “demonic” and that abortions are a “religious sacrifice” for them.

I mean, South Park tried to warn us.

Not just a Californian here, but I also live in Kern County. I’ve grown up watching the same farmers with those whiny signs along the 99 and 5 living in mansions and driving luxury cars.

I can only hope the fines will be relative to their wealth and/or incomes, otherwise fines are just another example of how rich people don’t actually have any real consequences for their shitty actions.

*Shrugs* Hit them with the flow restricters, and charge them if they try and tamper with them. 

Every child psychologist in the universe says that it’s important for children to learn through play. I’m going to listen to them instead of this dingbat.

As a parent, I haven’t exactly found it difficult to instill work ethic and appreciation for what you have while also wanting my children’s lives to be filled with as much wonder and joy as possible.  They’ll be adults soon enough.  Why take that from them??

Also, psychologically, for young kids, play IS important. Different play activities help them work on assorted skills (Legos? Construction skills. Baby dolls? Nurturing. Coloring? Artistic skills.) And further, by finding out what play activities they enjoy, and what they don’t, they are learning more about

I’m happy to blame lots of stuff on greed and money and capitalism, but I think the reason the concept of children as “little adults” was abandoned was because it’s not accurate, at all, and treating children as if they have all the knowledge and sophistication and experience of having lived 18+ years is dumb and

A 14 year old can give birth to her rapist’s baby, but she can’t check out the Diary of Anne Frank at her school library because that's inappropriate content.

Labiaplasty apparently shrinks the labia minora, or the “flaps on the inside of the vagina

The idea that men and women in our society—in *any* society—have had similar enough journeys to evaluate their comments in identical contexts is fucking ridiculous, and it’s exhausting seeing it in comment after comment here on Jezebel.

Barring prolapse, no part of your vagina is external. Even my 5 year old niece knows that the external anatomy is called a vulva.

I know this is rhetorical, but do adult women and their rights even enter their minds in this equation? That’s the part that always surprises me, they’re so focused on saving the “babies” or “angels” that the women carrying those “angel babies” aren’t even acknowledged, as if they were an incubator or brood mare.

That’s because your relatives don’t actually care about any others. So something like this case will never register with them.

I can assure you, my Evangelical relatives are beside themselves with joy over all the babies they’re saving.

The death cult that is the Republican Party is a real life horror show. There is no indignity or cruelty beneath them.

Tell it to Maria Schneider ya tool. 

“Are you a bot?”