Right? Grow up already. I get if you don't want to curse, but don't replace the word "fuck" with "flip". You sound like a middle schooler, not a woman in her twenties with a child.
Right? Grow up already. I get if you don't want to curse, but don't replace the word "fuck" with "flip". You sound like a middle schooler, not a woman in her twenties with a child.
Also, what the hell is going on with her font in that post? It keeps changing sizes, even mid-paragraph. Did she copy and paste the whole thing from her email archives?
Oh geez=/ That's awful, I'm sorry. I wonder why this is related to being a woman. Is it related to sons being "mama's boys" or is there something else that makes people not take women seriously when they say they're sick.
Lol, right? This is my sister all the way, whenever she gets a tickle in her throat the whole world knows because she essentially live tweets the whole thing.
This happens to me all the time. Whenever my bf and I get the same cold, it's always the end of the fucking world for him. I don't think it's because he wants extra care from me, since usually he ignores my offers to make soup/tea/etc and does it himself. Except he does it in a way that (I swear to God) exaggerates…
Oh my god, I was just having a conversation about this. My mom did the exact same thing!! She always thought I was bullshitting when I said I was sick, yet my brother gets days off all the fucking time. One time she let him stay home for like 3 days in a row, and it was so obvious he was faking so I told her and she…
My little brother looooved my Barbie cast-offs. I think dolls are great for all kids
Ah, see I wasn't aware of that. Well, my boyfriend and I don't really know a whole lot about the organization, and I guess we just liked to think that the ones who weren't involved in shit like the Occidental thing were sincere about helping male victims or challenging gender roles.
Yeah, there's something a little off about the dominant group feeling the need to have a rights group like this. It kinda reminds me of those white people who get seriously offended by stuff like the Black Student Union and think that the fact that they can't make a White Student Union w/o looking like racists is in…
I was talking about this with my bf the other day. I mentioned the Occidental incident and he agreed it was fucked but also pointed out that I can't really judge a whole group based on the actions of a select few, especially since feminism is misjudged as "man hating" because of what a few people have said and done. I…
Yeah, I tried getting my cat all the cool kitty trees and condos and she would not have any of it. She did find this basket that was meant to hold a loaf of bread and that became her bed for a while. It was the cutest fucking thing ever
I agree. I'd be more impressed by their efforts/faux outrage if they abandoned modern Christmas traditions altogether. Keep Christ in Christmas? Okay, let's not exchange gifts this year and volunteer at a soup kitchen, you know, something JESUS would do.
Yeah I'm starting to wonder if the number of fans they're going to lose because of his suspension is going to be more than if they just ignored his interview altogether=/
Yeah, that's why I have to laugh at the people who keep saying he's being punished for being Christian. How is his racism represented by religion? I'm sure there are plenty of Christians that are as bad as he is, but I definitely think the majority of them would be outraged by it.
Yeah, I don't buy their shock/outrage. I'm sure they knew what this dude's true feelings were, especially if he's bold enough to chat casually about them with a reporter, though evidently this is the first time he's ever broadcasted them publicly (I've never seen the show, so this is just an inkling). This show seems…
WTF. That's so awkward that you actually knew the dude. Sometimes the things people come up with online are so creatively disturbing that I'm truly amazed, especially since I doubt they were the shining pupils in their high school English classes. I'm sorry about your bf, that's fucked up.
Yes, I have heard of such practices=) But still, if I remember correctly I'm pretty sure that when I created my account there was some terms of use agreement that they can censor/delete anything they find disagreeable. Which is fine, because Gawker is a non-government organization that is entitled to control the…
I really, really hope that they're the minority of readers, and that the normal people don't feel like commenting 'cause they don't care.
Meh, I don't know what's so "controversial" about this. When I was a kid, I never really felt like most parents I knew were particularly thrilled about the idea of having a bunch of girls in one room that would probably be loud, at least one of them homesick or scared, and then the next day cranky from lack of sleep.…
I also made the same mistake of venturing to the Chicago Tribune=/ Pretty much all the outrage was limited in the usual categories: freedom of speech violations, war on Christians/Jesus, liberal media, yawn...