
LOL I was waiting for the freedom of speech thing to be brought up. It's like, yeah...he's entitled to say whatever he wants, and A&E is equally entitled to fire him if he's not in line with the message they want to send to their audiences. Do these people think freedom of speech is saying whatever the fuck you want

For realz. And hey, why stop there? Let's bring back dowries while we're at it!

I wonder if anyone's seriously tapped into this market. I've seen rings that say "purity" on them at jewelry shops, but imagine if you could go to shops that have super fancy rings of all different metals, books on staying a virgin for life, and picture frames that say "daddy's girl" on them.

A dubious source once told me it was because when a couple has a baby, the parents of the woman are happier because they know for sure that said baby is a continuation of their family line, while the parents of the man can never be sure that the kid is really their son's.

Yeah, that's completely stupid. I assume she's referring to her own vagina in the son scenario, and that the multiple penis danger comes with the daughter because vaginas are dangerous caverns that attract armies of peni?

I feel like there is something so incredibly creepy about a father giving his daughter a purity ring... Especially when there's a pledge or ceremony involved (I assume such things exist because I saw it on Shameless haha). It's like, is her virginity something that belongs to you?

It's really the worst. I saw other dads joke about that kind of thing in front of my dad when my sister and I were teenagers and he just looked at them like they're fucking idiots.

Ugh, that whole give and take thing really grinds my gears. And yet, there are people out there who really believe that women don't desire sex outside the context of "giving it up" after a man earns it through his charm or wit. Or better yet, that we use our vaginas to trap unwitting men into plots of forced marriage

This is my dad all the way. He's not really a liberal, but he calls out sexism all the time and posts Facebook statuses about how institutions that exclude women are literally alienating half the population that are just as capable of making great contributions. Probably has something to do with the fact that he

I wonder if they were in the same boat as the people in other threads who seem to think his involvement in the KKK is being blown out of proportion. Ugh

GLUTEN? Are you for real?

Right? I'm more amazed that nobody thought it would be a good idea to change it sooner. Can you imagine how embarrassing it must be for former students when someone asks where they went to high school?

I clicked the link to his tumblr and he posted one of the pics himself, which completely took me by surprise haha. I really admire him for the way he's approaching this, but I feel bad that this even happened. I'm really glad he's defending himself and pointing out that there's nothing wrong with the act of taking

Yeah, I was all creeped out by this dude, but then I remembered my grandparents had a baby when she was 17 and he was 29. My grandma had similar intentions of finding stability, and also getting away from her family. Still skeeved, that kind of thing just doesn't fly today in this country.

Perhaps a neighbor? Someone else suggested they posted to social media

Well, you said you were a teenager when you were smoking weed. This kid wasn't even 2 yet. Whether or not you think marijuana is all that bad I'm pretty sure smoke inhalation of any kind at such a young age is pretty damn harmful. So yeah, I support some level of freaking out by the authorities.

The wording is weird, "the toddler and another sibling"? Does that mean they have 2+ kids? When I first read it I thought it was a sibling of Jessica's since her father was apparently arrested for being a part of it/he was partly responsible since it happened under his roof and she's a minor.

This is always the safest route. I used to work at a restaurant and we had this family come in all the time: the parents were both very dark, the son was the same color as them, and the daughter looked like she was white—I assumed this was the relationship anyway since I heard the kids refer to the adults as "mommy"

WTF?! I saw that in The Office but holy shit, how did you refrain from beating the shit out of that person? Did this person say this to be mean or did they genuinely not realize how fucking offensive that is?

Haha, same!