
That was my thought too. I used to follow her on Facebook until her crazy shit got too crazy and actually made me legitimately sad for her family. It's so obvious from her feed that she loves attention, even if everyone's gawking at how messed up her life is. I'd totally believe this is an attempt to stay relevant.

The double standard is a thing, I inherited mine from my dad. My sister's and my friends, would always comment on how my dad seems so intimidating and tough, like your stereotypical dad with daughters that wants to scare the shit out of any dude that comes through the door—though we both knew that 9/10 times whenever

Same, she actually reminds me a lot of Lady Gaga in that respect. They both seem so disingenuous. She's a little better than Gaga, but I can't shake the feeling that everything she does is an act to seem more intellectual than she really is.

My sister is 6' and her boyfriend is 5'7". She stopped giving a shit when she realized that if she limited herself to guys taller than her she'd have really slim pickings. She also got plenty of crap from dudes who made it seem like her height make her a long-limbed freak. Now she owns it and wears like 4 inch heels

Yeah, this is kind of my reaction to the whole thinking. In my experience guys that old that go out with girls her age have something wrong with them. But like you said it's not like she's any other 17 year old, and given her new fame it's not like she really has a whole lot in common with most of her peers either.

That definitely makes a ton of sense. My knowledge of the military is limited but I find it interesting that 3 out of the 4 people I've known that were married or engaged before 23 were in the military.

I'm 21 and I know 1 girl I graduated high school with just got married, but she already has a job as a hairdresser and her husband's in the army so I guess it's not really all that weird since they already have established careers and a home. I know 1 couple from high school that's currently engaged but he's also in

Me too! I watch the show every now and they seem really awesome and they have Will not and all=(. Well she said the prognosis is good so I'm really hoping for a speedy recovery

I was wondering if Jez would follow up on this. I live close to this town, and I heard on the radio a couple of weeks ago that the couple was trying to clear their name by showing their "guest receipt" that had the tip written in. At first I thought they were full of shit and only showed remorse because they were

Well the receipts usually have a last name and first initial on them (explains the blurred lines in the photo), so I assume she showed other people the real receipt with the name on it and word got out who they were. I imagine they were also harassed by locals who heard the story

Nothing wrong with community college! I did my first semester at some small liberal college school, realized I hated it, then did my second at my local CC before transferring to my current university. I honestly felt that the quality of education I received at CC was way better than before, and pretty much on par with

Yeah I mean it is his show and people seem to like it—though I am a little curious how popular they really are versus how often I see their faces on merchandise. It's also possible that if they laid off on the religion they'd actually lose popularity if people are drawn to them because they admire their values.

Didn't know this, but I looked it up and found this from Robertson's website. Never even saw the show, but can't say I will now. I especially love this part:

I know right? I never even knew this was a show until I asked my brother-in-law, but I've been seeing their faces everywhere. They even have their own line of greeting cards at Hallmark.

Wonderful! I'm legit visiting a town called Manville right now and when I first read the beginning part I got all excited cause I thought there was another one of us in this 2 square mile town!

Right? Sheesh, if you have those opinions keep them to yourself. Even if it's anonymous the idea that you're talking about a kid is just so sickening to me.

I read something like this when I was 15, except it was called "happy weight"—pretty sure it was in Cosmo, actually. It was pretty much the same thing you described, and they had pictures of all sorts of women and listed their "happy weights" which ranged all over the place. I'm not going to say that I had a lot of

I almost forgot about this scene! Seriously though, this was one of the few shows I've seen where I felt that most of the actresses were top notch. I really hope that I'll get to see more of the newcomers in the future.

I actually met this guy a long time ago, before they became big Disney stars. I was 14 and my friend invited me to go see them with her because she somehow received free tickets so I went along. They played in this tiny little club with like 20 girls tops that came to see them. It was Joe's birthday, and since the

Ok, let me just go ahead and point out that I'm not Jewish, nor am I personally claiming to be a victim. I didn't think either had to be a prerequisite for pointing out the irony in his appeal to a tired stereotype while making a (legitimate) point about racism. So your "give the 'we were persecuted' crap a rest"