
A little off topic but I’m learning to figure skate at 30 and just want to shout out that it’s hard but really fun. I also get side eyed by the really good 7-18 year old skaters but you know what screw them!! Try learning ANY thing as an adult is really hard give is credit 

Going through that slideshow, and Rippon’s shots are clearly the best of the bunch. They’re dynamic and interesting.

Thank you for the suggestion! That will be the perfect book to round out the ‘curriculum!’ I intend to start by using the series as a junior introduction to the concept of privilege (i.e., sure, Pa worked very, very hard, but the land they proved up was literally taken from Native Americans and Native Americans’

I saw this on Twitter and had to remind myself that I’m old enough to be Adam’s favorite aunt.

I adore the books and think it’s an important portrayal of the common attitudes of the time.

They’re not “130 year old books.

To quote Sir Mix-a-Lot: you can so side bends or situps, but please don’t lose that butt.

It does make one wonder what Chen’s thighs look like.

Dat ass.

Google search “children in cages” and take a look at what country’s news makes the top posts.  

My inner Blanche reacts...

My ass is the reason I can’t do most things. 

No. My statement holds true. *Sorry to disappoint you.

You just couldn’t wait to announce your racism to the whole community, could you?

Yeah, those aren’t Osage. Congratulations on accidentally proving the entire point behind this change.

Yes, I can see that those not-Osage men that you probably found via the Google image search “Indian loincloth” are making harsh sounds. Also, your efforts kinda make the point about stereotyping of broad ethnic group. 

I adore the books and think it’s an important portrayal of the common attitudes of the time. Readers should also understand that Wilder prettied up the horrifying frontier stuff and made her books more of feel-good advertisements for farming.

As a longtime fan of these books - and as someone who re-read them as an adult and reacted in a “oh, whoa, racist” way that I wasn’t capable of as a child (who was being raised by Reagan Republicans) - these books should all come with a Disney-style warning that they were written in a different time and are deeply

Is this political correctness run amok? No. It’s actually a totally reasonable reaction to the legacy of an author who, whether or not she herself was racist, parroted racist ideology in her books. Good job, book award people.