
Yeah, there are a lot of people who go into “public service fields” (medical, police, etc) not because they want to help people but because they want impunity in mis-wielding power over the vulnerable.

There’s already enough sigma about mental illnesses in the black community, enough to keep folks from seeking treatment that could make their lives better and less of a living hell. The last thing we need is folks like this lady reinforcing the belief that you just aren’t ‘man’ or ‘woman’ enough to bootstrap your way

Dude, the medical community has some serious issues. I never go to the doctor, have only been to the ER twice in 25 years. My knee just basically quit working a few weeks ago and was in crazy pain so I went to the ER. In the hour and half or so I was there I was told by four separate people they wouldn’t be able to

If you’re having a difficult postpartum, you need to see a doctor. You and your infant need to thrive. If you trust your midwife or doula, they likely have an attending physician who they trust will take excellent care of you.


I know the type well. Had a nurse like this once. I almost died in the ER because her.

Mental illnessses are already dismissed and mocked. Then add in racism and you get more untreated people. How many others did this nurse dismiss, they should review any deaths she may have caused as well.

Definitely not the first time she’s done this. As a physician I can tell you the medical community can be just as racist and homophobic as the general public - sometimes more so - with disastrous results. Large academic centers tend to be a bit better as they’re often centered in liberal communities and have a younger

Shelley Winter’s Stunt Double ain’t shit.

Glad to see the comments section hasn’t lost its fecundity on this one


It certainly had me sitting upright, though it made my head throb at bit

That was a tumescent article, if not a bit engorged with extra fluff.

That usually only works in major Eastcoast cities, where they actually have a centralized city scape and makes public transit practical.

Not everywhere has a good system set up. Public transit is awful where I live (Phoenix). Using my own route planning and double checking with the city’s routing software it would take me 3 hours to get home, while driving would take 30 mins. Plus, on our 110 degree days of summer the buses are hot and smell like sweat.

I use buses a lot, but I take a ride share when time is of the essence, or when the distance doesn’t work out. I also take a Ride Share when I want to show up looking good. Here in Texas the heat can really drag you down. You show up to a dinner date looking bedraggled and strung out in August. People who own cars

I’m not sure where in SF you’re trying to park, but I know in my neighborhood (The Mission) finding that spot can take hours. IT certainly depends on where you live and where you’re trying to go in that car.

I would LOVE to take public transit everywhere, but it’s simply not practical where I live. Getting a few miles across town would literally take hours on the bus and cost $2. A $5 10-minute Lyft ride is a significantly better proposition. I definitely agree that mileage definitely will vary depending on where you
