For the first time in my life, let me say with complete serobustness, TAKE ME TO CHURCH.
What happens when you grow up is you realize the rules in a relationship are very blurred and that it gets very complicated very quickly, and there's not always a case of who was right and who was wrong.
i enjoyed the target commercial one too
I mean, to be fair, isn't everyone afraid Rihanna could steal their man? And their woman? And anyone anywhere on the gender spectrum?
My mother was working in a restaurant when she was 20, and she had previously warned the manager on numerous occasions about serious issues with the smoke hoods, and the air vent. The manager never did anything about it.
University of West Georgia '10 and '12 would like to bless Princeton Mom's heart, y'all.
Should I talk about the time my mother accidentally burnt a restaurant down?
I'm vegan and I don't give a single fuck what other people eat. Hell, I'm married to a meat eater. I hope every other vegan can stop being a preachy shit aboutit and every meat eater can STFU about bacon and cheese when they find out that I'm vegan.
And even then, what's the insult? "You looked cute in this swimsuit one time. Ha-ha, nailed you."
I saw the resemblance to T Swift when the dancers came out...but I feel like if this was a real diss they would have been wearing blond wigs?
... If having a girl feud with someone means that they make all of their friends copy my adorable fashion decisions, sign me up!
It's long been rumored that Katy Perry was going to devote a portion of her Super Bowl half-time show to…
EXCUSE ME but SP are still good, okay?! Or, like, they, personally are maybe not (like has anyone paid attention to Billy Corgan in the last decade? Not me.), but Mellon Collie will never be a bad album.
Oh god, this article made me realize some shit about myself.