Kris Merrells

Maybe we should be having a discussion about why a superhero film can't revolve around a romantic relationship without being seen as a "chick flick". Why can't a romantic relationship be taken as a primary motivator for a superhero? Maybe we undervalue romantic relationships in narratives because of a patriarchal

Wait, what's Caligula?

That place is creepy. I went to visit it, and there was disquieting apologetics going on from the tour guides. "Oh, but we gave them "educations"" "Hey, at least we gave them somewhere to sleep", etc. Was very weirded out the whole time.

As long as he doesn't end the movie singing selections from HMS Pinafore.

Hey, I actually read 'A Brief History of Time'!

This series has been a breath of fresh air in the treatment of female characters in that hey, they're actually people with complicated lives that difficult choices and competing motivations. Just to clarify my own position, I don't actually feel like it really took anything away from Claire, I just wasn't feeling the

Yeah, I agree it makes sense in principle. I just didn't think it made sense in practice. It doesn't reflect poorly on her, I just feel like the writers are using her lazily (as Cassandra describes). I didn't really detect any chemistry between them. She felt more like an older sister, guiding Luke through his issues,

Not out of lack of trying, mind you. No problem with her having any number of relationships. I just wasn't feeling this one.

Agreed. She feels more like an Agent Coulson type, keeping the team members focused, and ultimately bringing them together as a team. While there may be some Coulson/Steve Rogers shippers out there, sexual tension wasn't required for his role. Just let Claire be Claire, and it'll work.

Not a fan of Luke/Claire. Just don't buy it. Don't buy that Claire needs/is looking for anyone right now. She seems to crave action, but not sexytime action.

I really liked this episode (and also cringed at the pimp stormtrooper appearance). One thing that I've liked about the show is the way that the musical guests have matched the state/tone of Harlem (and the show in general). We've moved from the smooth soulfulness of Raphael Saadiq, to the hard-as-nails war cries of

Luke Cage is about being a reluctant hero, about searching for a sense of identity, and being black in America. Otherwise, it would just be boxing, and no one would have bothered to make the show.

It's kind of what the show is about.

No problem. Thanks for the coverage!

Jet "Li", not "Lee".

I guess Sausage Party took down organized religion, but it also took down douche-y atheists, too. The message seems to be ,"you can disagree with other people's perspectives but don't be a piece of shit about it, because it's not like you have all the answers either, asshole".

The ads would have you believe they're always blue, mind you.

Which was remarkable both because it was blue, and he was male.

H. Jon Benjamin. Love his surfer-dude-with-a-slightly-stuffed-nose-who-just-woke-up-with-a-mild-hangover voice. It's practically my inner monologue voice anyway, so may as well go all-in.