Kris Merrells

Turns out she was a Hydra agent all along, and now she's back - as a Ghostbuster!

Paging Gerard Depardieu…

The Glass Menagerie of Dr. Moreau

God's Not Dead 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Quill is the white male, duh.

I enjoy that the "face of racism" just couldn't help but be black (via photonegative), even though it was a white male. Just have to make those accusations as palatable as possible…

The only reason I read this was to see what was up with the plural of 'cyclops'.

Stalemate. God would show up to the pub and lay into him, but Lemmy would just sit there in his booth and take whatever God had, knocking 'em back and having a good chuckle at the bullshit of the whole thing.

Edmonton, Alberta. Not Saskatchewan.

I saw an advanced screening of 'Cop and a Half'. I cannot speak any more of that.

Well, Scatman John is dead, so that should make CJ happy.

This was a great song - I had almost forgotten about it. It actually reminded me of one of my favourite songs, The Telephone Rock. (…

"See, Spock? 'Sherlock' is WAY better in HD."

What's north of the North Pole? Seems like an incoherent question, doesn't it? But nobody seems to have a problem with it, because it's easy for us to conceptualize an absolute extreme of 'north'. So why can't the question of what came before the beginning of time also be seen as just as incoherent? Why does there