Kris Heenk

"Talent agency cancels Oscar party, holding rally for refugees instead"


I do not understand.

They had to make the joke about Ben Carson because she was trying to relate it to the African Americans in the office.

She said in the episode that it was more so because of her parents.

"“Hillary Clinton is the Ben Carson of white women” is honestly the meanest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say about Clinton. "

I'm gonna go with a "Life In Pieces" style sitcom that tells multiple small stories every episode, each one focusing on a different blogger and their family.

"And I will build a wall around Vatican City—"

If the exact same video was made by Jason Jones for The Daily Show, instead of Jesse Watters making it for The O'Reilly Factor, everyone would still be talking about it…

Clean Shaven Frank kinda looks like a more "Hollywood" version of CT from MTV's The Challenge.

Well, then you might as well just cast John Cena in the lead role.

No, but he is gonna play Shaft in their new reboot of the franchise.

What are you talking about?

Not as overt as A Serious Man, but I'd say that the Coen Bros also had
some interesting things to say about the Calvinist view of grace (it's
either given to us or it's not, it's all predetermined) in True Grit.

The most iconic scene from the movie involves someone at their table in a restaurant quietly breaking out into song, partially to embarrass JR (kinda like Heath Ledger in '10 Things'), and this leads to others at the table joining in the song.

It's not bad, per say.

The best part of Sarah Paulson's performance tonight?

As I stated in the first sentence of my OP ("Comparing her to Walter White is giving her too much credit."), and as SunnyDandThePurpleStuff similarly pointed out above, "there's probably a more apt analogy than Walter white."

As I wrote in my OP:

Her and Greg don't work together long-term (even though there clearly is enough there for a short-term thing, if Rebecca can admit it to herself), but it's classic tv.