Kris Heenk

If the show gets a long enough run, they could have her legitimately date Greg for a while and still keep the basis for the show (she would still be the CE-G, but this time by trying to prove to everyone that she's over Josh and is into Greg now, which to a degree she very well might be).

Not saying it was a great movie, but it still fits the narrative.

Side Note: How can they do an episode so dedicated to Romantic Comedy homages/tropes, and not point out how even though Rebecca wants to be the 'Kate Hudson' character in her movies, she's actually been Julia Roberts in 'My Best Friend's Wedding'?

Comparing her to Walter White is giving her too much credit.

I really hope they do this again on this year's SNL Christmas episode.


Never said he was an evangelical.


As funny as he was, Father Brah might need to go back to divinity school to work on his theology.

I prefer the theory from Cracked's 'After Hours' sketch on "4 Terrifying Psychology Lessons Behind Famous Movie Monsters".

…and winked with a giant sh*t eating grin.

That's one of the things that I kinda like about Agents of SHIELD.

Don't forget Exhibit B: her original outfit.

The worst one was the painful delivery from the random diner waitress:

Weird Al is truly a G.I.A.N.T. (Global Icon And National Treasure) in the music industry.

How to Make A Good Final Movie in the Die Hard Franchise:

I think you mean Blue & Black.

But was it really a Heel Turn?

I know I'm in the minority here, but I honestly couldn't stand the Sasha/Bayley post-match.