
I don’t understand this country. We swear up and down that we don’t tolerate bullies, liars, and thieves. Yet we want to make glorifying movies about Tonya Harding, Jordan Belfort, Henry Hill, and Anna Sorkin.

Gisele didn’t say anything remotely worth apologizing for. Saying you get wiser as you get older isn’t saying young people are stupid. Wisdom isn’t the same as intelligence. Wisdom implies experience.

I don’t see anyone claiming that she is qualified. She clearly isn’t.

Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

Somehow everyone drops the whole feminist thing when the Kardashians are mentioned. I’m not above admitting that I like them, but even if I didn’t, I would have a hard time summoning the amount of vitriol shown in some of these comments. You’d think they were like evil dictators or something, sheesh.

Who are they hurting? Come on.

Really!? They seem like a loving family. Super egos but who cares? They aren’t hurting anyone. They’re pretty and funny and their kids all seem happy and close. Why hate?

In the wake of #MeToo, I really do have to reevaluate my own thoughts on Lewinsky. I was only in high school when it all went down, but I have to admit that I barely thought about Monica. I didn’t think think about her as a slut, that I can remember. It just wasn’t about her, and I dismissed her. I certainly didn’t

Lawmaker: You know, maybe we should have some restrictions on driving a car. Age limits, driving tests, eye exams, that sort of thing.

I am a bit embarrassed at how much I loved the first 2 seasons of Jersey Shore. They became so self aware though that it lost all its allure. I’m not interested in the reunion at all.

I’m gonna go with she didn’t have time to research her facts because she just watched her friends get blown away and her life was just changed forever.

relax, satan

what do you expect from a guy who married his own daughter

I’m an American-born child of Chinese immigrants. While Bari’s comments (and subsequent “if you were offended, that says more about your intentions than mine!!!” response) were disappointing, to any POC, especially Latinix and Asian POC, this is exactly 0% shocking. We get othered all the time, even in the country of

So very true, I wish we could face this reality head-on and implement some real solutions. I know we can’t b/c, culturally, it’d be too offensive and controversial, but ugh, it’s such a depressing, never-ending cycle.

I’m an addiction counselor in a rural area, and most of my clients are poor, low-functioning, and have low educational levels. Many of them have no transportation or internet access. They often have unstable housing.

They have visited Armenia, spoken often of the genocide, wrote an open letter to genocide deniers and helped promote a movie about the genocide. A super lazy google search will shows this.

I read the celebrity gossip blogs suggesting “Mariposa” as a potential name after her announcement and am disappointed that wasn’t it. It still would have been an uncommon name if that was the objective, and it wouldn’t be confused with the weather forecast or a porn performer’s pseudonym.

Her image wasn’t based in hyper sexuality, it was grounded in privileged capitalism. That’s the lure for her fans. “Lucky rich chick, let me buy her shit.” So it might have been I’m her favor to let magazines track her ever bowel movement during this pregnancy. Hell, she’s 20. She still looked cute with a 34 week