Kris Adams TV (from YouTube)


Hell, I’d argue it’s more 0.6% Superman, 1.4% Zod, 98% World Engine. If you watch the fight, the destruction tends to get worse the more Zod is winning: Superman tends to just drag Zod along buildings when he’s in control, Zod does more. That’s part of what irks me about people’s reaction to the end of that movie.

Really, they’re going with Deathstroke? Is his mother’s name even Martha?

Why would they start not sucking now?

I just hope they draw things out a little longer. Nother couple of episodes at least.

>>> “...And he somehow manages to avoid the typos, malapropisms, misspellings, and basic grammatical errors that often make me wonder how many of the other staff is actually professional writers....” <<<

Or else Michael B. Jordan.

Go ahead - spill a plot summary...

I still kind of feel bad the year after the original Blair Witch was released, I left 3 piles of rocks outside some campers tents at a summer camp. I was awoken to people screaming and crying the next morning.

I would hope that people can simply admire that artwork on its own terms. It is indeed gorgeous. But based on my observations of posts related to BvS or Man of Steel. . . Well, I am sure this will escalate quickly. Too bad, because it means that the artwork will get lost in the shuffle.

Well, it’s not like there are titles marking where the sections change over. I was a regular here for months before I even noticed there was any sorting at all going on, and I still tend to forget unless it’s pointed out.

Wow, you are just determined to be an asshole, aren’t you? Over a shitty show like The Walking Dead, too. Get a fucking life, dickbag. That horse you’re on isn’t as tall as you think it is.

Keep trollin’ trollin’ trollin’ trollin’ YEA!

you’re going to get yourself in some trouble if you keep calling your wife “wide” like that

Solid trolling. Like, first class trolling. Well done.

The alternate ending they released was pretty good....

Another “Murderverse” joke. Yawn.

My recommendation for the best time to observe Mars’ close approach is midnight on May 30th.

We never exactly know what his powers are (we see him do many things, but it’s always vague), his motivations are almost laughably childish (“I want to rule the world!”)

Said Other Barry.