Kris Adams TV (from YouTube)

These are (CLEARLY) not the website you are looking for. Move along. 

I mean, I hate kids,but free opium might very well change my opinion.

Now I feel cheap!

Ah, a “both sides”er. Blugh.

“I would love to see her origin story,” she said. “It’s really interesting and really complex and makes for a really complex character, which I find interesting.

All they need do now is bring Ryan Reynolds to redo the voice and they’ll be fine. Keep everything else as is. LOL

Your picture isn’t of knock off costumed characters though. Those were official Mickey and Minnie costumes at Disneyland in the 1958.

There’s only one solution for this — someone put Andy Serkis in blue pajamas stat!

That sounds like a great plan, assuming you never intend to by hired by Hollywood again.

That’s the look of a man who knows a good rock/paper/scissors joke or two.

Tony Stark clearly did not want to make that choice. But Iron Man had no other choice to make.

Based on body chemistry, we’re all 0.006% iron men and women.

Yeah it was almost. . inevitable.

Thank you for being “that person” so I didn’t have to.

“Tony responds, snapping his fingers to undo the havoc Thanos had wreaked five years prior.” Not technically accurate. Hulk undoes the Snap. Tony dusts Thanos and all his cronies. 

So no actual comments about any specific actresses?

I didn’t realize Jane Espenson and Doug Petrie were both writing for the show, too — which is awesome. They were some of the best Buffy writers. Petrie went on to write some of the very best Daredevil episodes and Espenson probably wrote the best episode of Firefly (“Shindig”) and co-created Warehouse 13.


Controlled Chaos.

Being pointed out that the sarcasm went over my head. Sorry (and also relieved)