Anyone can throw a ball without looking. I’m MUCH more impressed with no-look catches.
Anyone can throw a ball without looking. I’m MUCH more impressed with no-look catches.
I was gonna. Turns out he’s dead.
You have to pull it out, at least a little bit, in order to push it back in again.
Blizzard needs us way more than we need them.
Next... Pat the transgender muppet with dyslexia who was deadnamed.
Quid Pro Quo is a Latin phrase that means “Impeach Dirty Donald Trump.’
I’ll be the judge.
Cobra vs Gerbil
I stand corrected. So, in the sense that it actually matters in terms of outcomes, the party lines will hold.
Or you could just go visit your cardiologist, have a heart cath, get a stent, and take Plavix for 3 months.
Civil war? Sometimes you have to die for Democracy to prevail. Thus always to tyrants.
This ain’t a game anymore. These meatheads are simply trying to kill each other. But it sure is fun watching it.
Martha wasn’t about to snitch on the corporate gangsters she had dealings with. You think kids with baggy pants and face tattoos are dangerous? Shit.
It’s a car for rich kids who are having their first mid-life crisis.
It’s just a cartoon, dude.
Where your local rep stands on impeachment?
“...what happens after impeachment and a president is removed from office?”
If you ever hear me flush the toilet twice, you better clear the area AND call the FBI, cuz shit’s going down hard.
Trump is not a “bad knockoff of 80's mobsters.” He IS one.