The Honest Ad About Vipers (I’m sure you’ve read it)
The Honest Ad About Vipers (I’m sure you’ve read it)
tRump is a nazi loving POS. Nothing he says about cars or anything else really matters. FUCK him and his idiot deplorables.
Another unusably fast, unobtainably expensive supercar that will almost exclusively be purchased by middle eastern oil barons and stored indefinitely with delivery miles in a sealed warehouse. The writeup/article is good and I don’t want to discount that, but man it is hard to care about new releases like this.
I want this, but a Porsche, so the bed is at the front.
If Trump and Vance are the cream of the “white” race, replace away...
There’s probably a few of these in your city. I found one when shopping for land to build a house on. The neighbors seemed nice enough. Definitely a step up from the people who live in similarly priced the cookie cutter suburban lots. And, NGL, having a hanger would be extremely cool, even though I don’t own a plane.
If only they had lifted the back of their trucks as well ...
I think you’re referring to severe weather made worse by climate change, which in turn is caused by excess amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. In a hypothetical scenario where the world completely and immediately stopped burning all fossil fuels (and was able to sustain itself using 100% renewable energy), when would we…
To everyone’s surprise the mule heavy portfolio started paying off.
Please... let’s stop pretending that any $300,000 car “justifies its price.” Let’s stop running YouTube videos about “why this Rolls Royce is worth $500,000.” Let’s not insult anyone’s intelligence by suggesting that there is some sort of “value” in a million dollar Bugatti or Lamborghini.
I type this as I look at my paid off car outside my house. Life is good.
The Auto Asset Backed Securities Market is currently around $125 billion. The housing backed securities market was like $2 trillion in 2008. So it’s not really comparable. Plus, it’s easier to recover on credit defaults for cars (because repos sell way faster than a foreclosed-upon house), so the risk isn’t the same.…
AM radio turns any night behind the wheel into a trip.
What’s The Worst Thing A Passenger Has Done In Your Car?
Where’s StalePhish with the nonsensical excuses for this?
How has it taken this LONG to finally realize this lol. This is 100% proof of why FSD has always been utter bullshit. If it can’t do it in what amounts to a 100% controlled environment, what makes anyone think it can do it on a public road.
Mercedes and BMW not on the list either.
It really won’t be. The dream of fully automated vehicles with no change in infrastructure is completely unrealistic. If the vision is a future where you don’t have to drive yourself, trains and busses already exist. Update that tech and expand service.