
I cannot even begin to care. If this is something of interest to society, then get your societal shit together to pass legislation to tax private jet usage sufficiently to offset the environmental cost. Otherwise, STFU. It’s his money to spend as he sees fit.

Another vote for the Volvos. Shame about how they drive and the horrific user interface though.

Are those super yachts armed with a rapid-fire gun and missiles? Didn’t think so... If this came after you in your floating gin palace you would be shitting your pants.

Those are far less of an issue than the fact that the sills rust from the inside out - by the time they show visible rust on the outside, the car is rotten as a pear on the inside and has no structural strength. Repairing them is a horror as they are multi-layer and very complex. It’s not economical to restore one of

Something you will wish you had *when* a sensor fails, and not only do you need to pay for a new sensor, you get to pay to have the tire unmounted, remounted, and rebalanced. Speed based TPMS is more than good enough.

If you think $39K is cheap, you have a different definition of cheap than I do. 

It’s literally the new New Beetle. 

Seen at dealerships? Last time I did a search for Siennas here in FL for giggles there were *5* on dealer lots for the entire state. All fully loaded, all with stiff markups over the already stupid MSRP. *5* for the 3rd most populous state in the country.

So wait until after the “got to have ‘ems” get them. What’s the rush?

The markups on Siennas are EPIC as a general rule. Toyota hardly makes any of them.

Average new car price tells you NOTHING. Far more people buy FAR more luxurious and premium cars (and especially luxo trucks and SUVs) than they did back in the day. Comparing Apples to Apples, cars are cheaper today. Compare with an eye to what you get in even the most basic car today, and it is laughable to compare

Yes. And they were terrible to drive relative to the Civics that came before.

Look, a Gravy Seal in the wild.

As I love to say around here - you can’t make an average one nice for this price. Not anywhere near, even if you can do all the work yourself and value your time at $0/hr. Anyone who thinks otherwise is absolutely delusional, or has never taken on a project. NP if you want one.

I think you don’t understand how inflation works. $20K is the new $10K.

BRIEFLY?? I’m a 1969-vintage Gen-Xer and these were the cars of my *entire* childhood right though high-school. And in college I drove the 80s versions of them from the motor pool all the time.

Most normal people really don’t give a shit about CarPlay. 

They would sell dozens. The “problem” is that ‘Muricans buy the vehicle they MIGHT need once in a while, not the vehicle they need every day. And I say “problem”, because if you can afford to do that, and obviously the VAST majority of new car buyers can afford that or massive pickups would not be the best sellers

And other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? You can get as much range as you are willing to spend the money on battery for. But then it takes that much longer to recharge that massive battery, and of course, the cost and weight go plaid.

Technically, Starship has failed on *every* flight so far.