Bilbo Ballbaggins

The Jaguars will almost certainly turn those two firsts into busts, so the Rams really only gave up a future 4th round pick for arguably the best player in the NFL at his position. Potentially a 4D chess move and a highway robbery turned into one.

Shad Khan’s teams never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

I’ve lived in Orlando most of my life. There’s definitely an inferiority complex among the people here, even the more recent arrivals.

Tampa (the city) is basically a slightly better version of Jacksonville.

Or, if you’d like: It’s a mash-up of Orlando and Miami, without any of the glitz, glamor, or the top-line attractions.

The lesson, as always: Don’t hire bald-headed coaches named Bradley.


A lot of what’s referred to as “PC” nowadays is just people not being retrograde sociopaths.

So when’s the due date?

“Deadspin Good Footballering Award” goes to...

Good for JPP. I’m sure he’s had that date scribbled all over his calendar.

I’d guess there’s less of a “natural” feel to playing soccer on turf, as opposed to natural grass (harder surface, weird hops etc)? That seemed to be the case at the one Orlando City game I attended this season.

Go cure cancer.
Go write the great American novel.
Go to Mars.
Go get yourself suspended for the rest of the season because you were dumb enough to believe that you could get away with using PEDs in 2015.

Go Gators.

Dude, why are you so upset?

Coming from fans of a team that just signed the carcasses of Shaun Wright-Phillips, that seems a bit rich.

That was your takeaway from the write-up?

Probably just saw the Timbers/Sounders tweets from earlier today.

Best Xans in Baseball