Yeah. I remember that from the books as everyone conspiring to get Ned out of the picture but literally nobody except Joffrey actually wanting to see him beheaded.
Yeah. I remember that from the books as everyone conspiring to get Ned out of the picture but literally nobody except Joffrey actually wanting to see him beheaded.
I thought the books also made it pretty clear that there most certainly was Something going on under the water though, too.
I'm pretty curious who they end up asking that question to, actually. Francis Fukuyama: "Bonus twelfth question, when was the last time you had a threeway?"
I don't know if the show will go there or not, but the books were setting up something like: Cersei arms the church, church rises up against her, Cersei clobbers church…
I was glad for how the show expanded Margaery's role, but the whole Dorne thing just didn't work like it did in the books.
I'm not sure about the show, but book!Tyrion's whole thing was to be a lot more savvy about peacetime operations than war.
Replying as a second upvote. Something that Arya meeting Nymeria has - that Grey Worm and Missandei are entirely lacking - is any type of symbolic relevance to the main plot.
Didn't the Maesters literally have pretty much exactly that bit about Westerosi vs. Essosi ravens in the books? I can't remember now, but I have it in my head that they did.
Replying as a second upvote because I laughed audibly at "Moose Killer©", and also because I laughed at that one mission fairly early on where you have to creepy-crawly your GIANT DEATHTANK around a series of roofs to get to the point where you can winch yourself across the Great Chasm of Whatever. I suppose it's a…
I own it, I just haven't messed with it much yet. I lucked into a high-INT character build so I can shut down any of the bots that come at me stupid easily, so I should have a good starting puddle of parts to piece together and play with. Stories like this definitely sharpen my interest in getting my murderbot…
I still need to get into the murderbot construction biz! I got the DLC after I got the main game and I still haven't gone DLC-diving, alas.
Naturally. Just get her to 6*-lev 42 and it's there. (I forgot to mention she also gets a full-life resurrection, too—which, immune to Silence…)… Magical Activation doesn't read incredibly exciting on the page, but it's amazing.
Wow, Noctis and TT both! I'd keep TT on the front lines for sure: her later 6* combos a huge magic damage buff with a magic attack that partially ignores defense, or you can use that buff to build up a doublecast Ultima, which recently got me over 500k of damage per target against those Bas Relief blinding…
Oh yeah, don't even worry about the hardest-difficulty stuff yet. My team is all 6*-lev 100, decent specific characters (including one top-tier mage, Trance Terra) but the gear needs work—and I get straight up murdered at the top-difficulty stuff. They really build towards having the old-timers have something to do…
Hah! Now that you mention it, my four-year-old is directly responsible for my playing more Minecraft and Train Valley than I would've without him.
The ravens run on pure Plot Power as far as I'm concerned. Someone gets a message from a runner, who got a message "from a raven" out in the middle of nowhere if the plot calls for it—but dramatically-withheld info can't fly by raven. It's too heavy. The poor things get caught up in discussions about windspeeds and…
Ahh, thankee kindly. I really do expect that one to happen.
It really is! I love my wife, my job, my sons and I have some modest hopes for my schooling—and not one of those jerks helps me play more video games, the ingrates.
Longtime book fan here and I'm about 85% convinced it's coming. I'll be very surprised if Tyrion isn't a Targaryen and doesn't end up on the third (of three) dragons.
It reminded me of the same thing, but from the other side (I worked in an E.R. once.) Yeah, there's just no way that's going to be a good day for anyone.