
I'd pay real money to see an overlapped sex- and buildup-scene between those two like Soderbergh did with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight.

I suspect, too, that they sense the need to pick up the pace, narrative-wise. (I love the books but Martin did not in fact sense that need in the last book, bless him.)

Nope, just Jon and Tyrion. Dany has three dragons, right? And the Targaryens marry their own…

Wait, really? I thought that was still a perfectly viable option for the books, what with book!Tyrion's eye colors and all.

Thank you much! I'll keep at it for sure.

Monday I'll have finished my final for a Financial Management class, which is why I only ever have something to say on this thread once every three or four weeks, alas. I look forward to having a little more time for games in the near future, no lie.

I dearly love the Arkham games. Even Origins would've been a stone classic if it hadn't had the rotten luck of following the superior Arkham City, which, totally agree: AC is amazing.

FFBE is an oddly deep game for a mobile gatcha-type thing. It has kept my friend and I going strong for quite a while now. Did you get the guaranteed 5* from that event a month or so ago?

Megaman: I know exactly what you're talking about. I never could beat most of them with the main weapon, and assumed that the game was merely hiding the One Golden Path from you on purpose.

Still Fallout 4 and I've finally started Pillars of Eternity. FO4, I'm *this* close to switching to always wearing my powered armor, but I'm not quite there yet. Also: why the **** would anyone want that "eject your core like a nuclear grenade" perk? I have other things to do with my cores, and the one time I tried

There's something wonderfully refreshing about an interview with an actor that isn't panicky with desperation or toxically smug. He has a job, he likes it, he does it well, he's happy to talk about it but it's no crucial part of his identity: you get the feeling he could've finished this interview and then go have

The moment I saw his picture up there, I knew I was reading the whole thing. I was not disappointed.

He was my absolute favorite part of the film as a kid. Whatever else was going on, I was mostly interested in when Admiral Boom would fire cannons off in the neighborhood.

It was a great speech! I'm not trying to take anything away from it by saying that, and I thought the movie was fair about the effect the operation had on morale back home. But hearing that speech read in that exhausted, flat voice added a layer of depth to it for me that it hadn't had before.

I just wish they'd had his first pass be higher in the air. You can glide a long time, sure, but you can't bleed altitude to shoot someone down for a long time.

I can't be that hard on the Epilogue Express. The weary, vaguely bewildered tone that the survivor read Churchill's "We shall never surrender" speech is something I don't think I'll ever forget. It didn't feel like a victory lap, it felt like a cold hard slap that these men survived—to go fight some more. That was

Aww sheesh, thus all the 15s. Well, one mystery answered at least. Thanks for following up!

I'm sorry to be one of the voices speaking out against the forces of fun and mysterious adventures, but it's probably for the best. 85% chance it's a friend of a friend or something, or maybe even a girl who's too shy to make a move or something (I assume from your user ID that you're male; no need to correct me if

Honestly, I agree with those fellers: no more games. I've been stalked by friends and it wasn't okay until they announced themselves for real (and then it was fine) and I've been stalked by not-friends and it's not so much fun. If this is a friendly voice, stand and be recognized; if not, at least share how they got

I didn't downvote it, but, I mean, no way am I Googling that at work.