
So, Dead Alive all over again. I can get with that.

The show gave us everyone else kneeling in response to Dany's burning the two Tarlys, and I took that as something of a tacit approval of her tactics. Show!Tyrion's plans haven't been all that great, actually, and I don't know if the show is going for this type of realism or not but prisoners - especially large

I read as much as I could online to make sure I wasn't going to make enemies of everyone, and yep, turns out I definitely was going to make enemies of everyone if I played it that way. This isn't really a game I expect to do a second playthrough on, just more of my first one, but the DLC does make an Evil run a lot

That's been my reaction too, annoyingly. I haven't done the zoo area yet; right now I'm wandering Star Control looking for Star Cores. While it seems like this *should* be my jam, I'm actually mostly just irritated. The pseudo-vault where they gas and irradiate me enough to put on my hazmat shoot and then blow me

JC3 benefits greatly from playing it in a Bulletstorm type of headspace, where the goals are secondary to trying to create the most chaotic sequence of events possible.

Fallout 4, clearing Nuka World. I'm definitely going to fight against the Pack, and also when I've done what I can of these I'm definitely killing every last mofo in this place. I hates me some raiders.

Yeah, don't do it. I saw it once like a year after it came out, then watched it again recently out of curiosity and…yeah, it's not a good movie. It had some fun stuff in the margins like some good set designs, but, I mean, lots of good movies have solid set design.

That was my reaction too, really. "Wait, this isn't an instant rout? How is this not an instant rout?"

I've got to think he'll cross paths with Tyrion again. I've been wrong before, but that's my bet.

I suppose I was rooting for Team Dany in the sense that I believe that this is ultimately her narrative in a sense, so her having her armies and dragons driven off or otherwise removed from the picture is just another distraction from the main plot in a show that can't really afford any more of those. (I saw this as

Replying as a second upvote. Patchface alone is worth his own deep-dive.

Sorry for the self-reply, but I just wanted to add that the day Shit-Master Slutface upvoted my comment, I knew I had arrived.

I don't mean to kick off any Holy Wars here, but I personally do hold that the game mechanics positively (or negatively) interact with the game setting and tone. I enjoy Champions a great deal, but Fantasy HERO never interested me much: the point of that system for me was to build point-based tanks and set 'em at

I say this as a friend: don't go to tvtropes. It never, ever, ever ends.

Yeah. If his assessments are accurate (which, he was pretty fair about how back-of-the-napkin it was), 53% or whatever he hit is a clear indicator that skill is involved—but hardly an exclusive one.

Ugh, what happened with the PC port of Bully? My computer at the time should've blown it out of the water, and it crawled like I was a tech cycle behind on requirements. I haven't even tried it since.

I have that happen with a lot of settings that try to shake things up from the "boring, staid" Tolkienesque settings. I read them with interest, enjoy them for awhile…then go back to boring and staid.

Fun article on using amateur sabermetrics to determine just how much luck-vs-skill is needed in Mario Kart 8, for those who haven't seen it.

Mostly Fallout 4, I finished Cait's trust mission, the poor blarney psycho addict, and then I'm back to lone-wanderering it for a DLC deep dive because the AI for my friends is crucially stupid on a couple of key points. (To wit: "don't go running in and blasting when we're both sneaking, please.") Still enjoying

I hate to say it because I loved them so, but those old arcade games really were just made to get as many quarters dropped into the slot as they possibly could. Altered Beast, dang…