Brigadier PF Diamond McYemen

If you want to see sexual tension between characters you will. I saw none in either films characters. It’s also ok for Bucky to not be bi or to even be asexual. I don’t get all this reaching from people. The closest thing we saw to either of their sexuality was Sam warning him away from his sister. I honestly don’t

If you need a fucking guide to tell that wine is gone off you have no business drinking wine.

This really bothers me that China is appropriating Asian culture and more specifically Japanese culture like this

Then you have a shit direct manager. I know exactly what all my direct reports do and I know exactly what my managers job eantails. I have regular meetings with my direct reports to support them, not to micromanage. My reward for that was to get a 2nd team to look after as they are without leadership right now.

Why does a site that bitches about about Amazon every day, promote it every day

Why does a site that bitches about about Amazon every day, promote it every day

Yeah but he didn’t do a white power gesture, it’s not that he did it by mistake, he just didn’t do it

different finger though

That’s how I count.  I was unaware that it’s a white power gesture

Hold on a second, that’s the white power gesture?  I was expecting someone who did the roman salute.  I’ve never seen this gesture

Then she plays the crying game and people get confused.  Except me

But merely travelling back in time creates the paradox, so pointless then

You could say the same about any time travelling farce nearly.  Not that I’m defending this, it seems weak as

Can she reappeal or whatever?  Speaking from experience, a dislocated shoulder can lead to lifelong problems

I’d bet they’ve gone down

Hot Take, Black Panther is not very good at all

I didn’t think much of the Witcher.  It was too over the place.  It was non linear and without having read the books or played the game to use a reference point, didn’t really know what was going on

ahahahahahahahah.  Murikay!

Get something like oven pride if you have it in your country, it works wonders

This isn’t a lifehack, this is regular cleaning of your oven