- I’m Jewish.
- I’m Jewish.
I’m arrogant in the face of racism and murder. 56 dead. Refusing to recognise Palestine is the issue. So either you’re an apologist or ignorant. Educate yourself by looking up the Green Line and the agreement that went with it. Feel free to consider me arrogant if it makes your feel better about the murder of…
Want to be pedantic, look up the Green Line
Because she fails to recognise Palestine, is that too hard to comprehend?
Unfortunately for most Israelis, they are force fed the media from one side. I’ve worked with Arabs and Jewish and for the most part they get along. The Jewish not from Israel, tell the Israelis that they have no right being in Palestine
Get fucked. This has nothing to do with anti-semitism you hypocritical racist. Guess what it’s Palestine
“Your work has also inspired long tirades from people about how Israel is comparable to Nazi Germany so, good job? If I were publishing something that was making people feel comfortable coming into my comments section….”
Looking at their brief comment history, you shouldn’t expect a good faith argument. All of their posts are basically “antisemitism...”
I am largely indifferent about this woman and have not seen a single one of her films, but the fact that you think it is antisemitic to be critical of a message about the latest israel/palestinian conflict from Gal Gadot—an actress who has very publicly supported the IDF in the past—is odd.
Referring to someone as your neighbor could be construed as an intimate reference just as using a name could be construed as just referring to someone by name and still not caring about them. Further, Israel the state and its neighbors have been in and out of conflict for almost 100 years. Perhaps she was referring to…
This is racist. You probably don’t even see it, because that’s how racism works, and people never see it when they’re being racist, but you’re being racist right now regardless of whether you think so or not.
“Not once do you mention that it’s Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization launching rockets at Israeli civilians”
I thought that was going somewhere else but you surprised me.
If he didn’t name Aspergers, someone else would have. My point is that him naming Aspergers has nothing to do with him being a nazi sympathizer
So what. One does not equate the other so it’s not worth mentioning
I know a good few people with Aspergers, no expert on it though. It might somewhat explain his asshole behaviour but certainly doesn’t excuse it. No one I know on the spectrum behaves like this
100%! I think a lot of directors/writers throw in some romance because they feel it’s an easy way to inject pathos into their movie, but actually a half-baked romance detracts from the rest of the movie.
“I think it’s fair enough that audiences could interpret a relationship strong enough to go against governments and close friends is more intimate than most friendships would be.”
Call me a troll if you like. But writing for blogs does not qualify you as a professional journalist. Nor does writing non news pieces