Brigadier PF Diamond McYemen

I get it.  But it’s my form of protest.  It’s a needless inconvenience.

Brave Sir Robin he ran away


The easy and very expensive way to get fat quicker

The easy and very expensive way to get fat quicker

Ah slideshow. Ignore, moving on

This is a lifehack?  I’m very glad I don’t live in your shitbox of a country.  No gun crime is amazing

Yeah it’s absolute tripe

I think it’s clear that a larger audience would not be interested in any of the characters with or without a white guy.  A film like this should be straight to home media with a tiny budget

Ah the Sidney Powell defense.  It begs the question why you can’t download a permanent copy then

This is literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.  And it doesn’t work

Be quite!

I’m not sure which side you’re taking


Full Metal Jacket dudette

The only answer is more guns Murikay

I wouldn’t call anyone Doctor who requested to. And that’s nothing to do with colour, race or creed. Fuck that elitism

Not that easy if you don’t have legs, no matter how hard you try

I’d be more interested in what changes he made in his diet and lifestyle if any.  Yes I did not read the article

If you go into your back garden and a tree has been struck by lightning.  What’s left on the ground is a backlog.  You don’t need a whole discussion on it.  Just use a fucking dictionary

I’m a little confused by this. Yes one guy died and another says he was mistreated.  But the mistreatment wasn’t racial was it?  I thought he was accusing Whedon of being an asshole to everyone