Verbal Noise

This. WTH were the adults doing? It can’t be possible they didn’t know??

I’m just so tired

As we address the inappropriate behavior displayed by several students ...

Everyone is at risk in prison. People are hurt and murdered in prison all the time. So unless they're outing everyone in protective custody, this isn't fair.

Need some kind of Bat-signal equivalent to call the ladies in pink saris to come beat the shit out of these motherfuckers.

Me too, and it’s usually entitled guys.

I find myself leaning more and more in favor of vigilante justice as I get older... some people really do just need the shit beat out of them.

I wonder if she still supports him for president...

I was actually shocked that a woman that would work Asa Trump organizer would also find offense in making less than men and being harassed. It isn't that I think republican women are stupid I just think they have been brainwashed to believe in male superiority and think of themselves as sex objects. This woman seems

The scary thing is, for Trump’s supporters this kind of behavior is considered admirable as he’s “sticking it to the PC police.” The more offensive he is, the more his fans adore him.

More power to her for sticking up for herself, but unfortunately this isn’t going to stick to Trump himself before it is far too late to matter.

As for the comment? He may not believe he said it, but I find it totally believable that he said it. I can even hear his voice in my head saying it.


“That is not the worst thing that could be said. But I never said it. It’s not in my vocabulary.”

I’d be more shocked if Trump wasn’t sexually harassing female staffers.

That’s as brazen as asking for leniency for killing your parents because you’re an orphan.

“I’m suing you because I shot and killed you, am now under investigation, and therefore I am emotionally distressed.” Fuck this cop

In the Onion story the quote from the cop would be “See what you made me do!”