
This is your Schroedinger’s Cat theorem of dunking, yes?


Somebody needs to dare one of the GOP candidates to eat one of these as a dare to seem more human.

I’d be curious to see the whole staff’s playlists... what’s the over/under on Burneko being a closet Osmonds fan?

You know Magic Johnson hates the shit out of his new “HV” logo...

This. Forever this. The only thing I’ll be less surprised by is when he comes back at 41 to play for the Wizards.

Goddamn it, I just read that whole thing. +1.

Krapsnaps is better.

*sigh of relief*

“That’s some backwards ass Muslim shit right there. No offense, but no wonder the Mets got bombed. Just saying.”

Elysian’s Punkuccino is a damn tasty beer. And yes, I will go find a pair of Uggs and yoga pants now.

Barnwell, Lowe, Morris, Klosterman.

These companies may be a tax on people who failed math, but I hope they get fucked by a sharp stick.

Was Rush Limbaugh unavailable?

If you watch the gif with Jay-Z’s “Tom Ford” going on at the same time, it reaches a new level of epicness.

okay Jason Whitlock

If that diet’s all it takes to have the kind of insight he has, sign me up!