
Well, that was creepy. I was even more creeped out when I realized "The Drake", was in fact, the Drake Hotel in my own city. For some reason, I was thinking maybe there was a place called "The Drake" in New York, but clicking on the link and noticing fairly Torontonian references like "Eglinton", I realized this was

I find this is true for online gaming.

I am super-impressed with all her costumes: I'm particularly impressed with the accuracy, detail, the quality materials and craftsmanship evident in the construction.

Yeah, my dad who did his PhD in artificial intelligence, has zero interest in doing much with his Android phone, even though he was the one who first got me hooked on hard science fiction like Asimov and Clarke because he thought Doctor Who was "kid's stuff". I learned my addition/subtraction on cue cards made of old

That's my mom too.

Wait: he makes racist and rape jokes? Ugh, never mind, I take it back: DO NOT WANT.

Haters are gonna hate, I guess. Personally, never heard of him till now, but I'm old. ;) But if he gets more people, especially girls, into gaming, more power to him. I'm not one to police who or who is not a gamer: if they play video games, they like playing video games, they're a fan of video games, they're a

It was never more obvious to me than during the #CancelColbert debacle, on seeing self-identifying 'liberal' news sites where white female writer after another pontificated on how Suey Park was wrong, without at all seeing the gross irony in a bunch of white women (and men) dictating to an Asian American woman about

He deserved it, but glad he apologized, for her sake, not his.

What would you suggest as a solution? It's not defamatory or libellous if they are speaking out in good faith, and there are already laws against extortion and blackmail if that's what you believe is happening. Banning such petitions effectively silences the voices of a marginalized minority which is contrary to

I think your interpretation of the petition is different from mine: where you see a dishonest attempt to misrepresent the game, I see it as either being a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of what's happening in the game because they didn't actually play it themselves, but their view of the game was based on

At least in Australia, the precedent was set with the censoring of GTA IV:…

"The Classification Board does not directly censor material by ordering cuts or changes. However, they are able to effectively censor media by refusing classification and making the media illegal for hire,

Now playing

That's not extortion; _That's_ extortion:

"The offence of extortion or blackmail is committed when one person dishonestly makes a demand on another person for specified property in the possession of or under the control of that person, and that demand is accompanied by threat or force."

So what is stopping a more business savvy Australian from straight up buying up all GTAV stock and selling it from their own home? Nothing, and that person will make a killing if they did that in a country where all major retailers decided to shy away from selling GTAV.

It's not like Target decided to stop selling

That is still Target's right and decision to choose not to sell the product because they weighed the costs of potentially tarnishing their brand name by association with a product that, in light of #GamerGate and other notorious online threats against women in the video game industry and the media coverage surrounding

I liked my MaleShep (being Asian, it's nice to be able to play a game where I can get my toon to actually look somewhat Asian and looking vaguely like me), but I would have enjoyed even greater customization options in ME3. This would be pretty awesome.

That sounds terrible. :( And too bad.

More games really need to take advantage of TressFX. :)

I like the games where they have a setting where you can toggle whether or not you see the helmet on your characters, so you can have them bareheaded, even if they are technically wearing the helmet (i.e. getting the armor bonuses for it).