
Don’t insult people on the spectrum, some people just have no sense of humor. 

Hey, that reminds me of that time I watched Family Guy.

Many factory jobs are unionized, so you have some level of pushback against management to avoid abuse of workers. When I left they were backdooring in a 50+ hour overtime policy, with back to back overtime calls due to unsustainable employement

Yeah.. it won’t be optional for long. Once Amazon quantifies the exact gains this gives (and they will to 2nd decimal place, they already do for the start of shift activity when I left) it will then be made voluntold.  You want X benefits? Well that is now tied to your game score. Sure, it’s still optional but now

Full Disclosure- I am a former Canadian Amazon employee.

That was so unfair! Opt-in is non-sense. If I have children, working in a coal mine should be mandatory. Little rascals must contribute to their upbringing. *whip sound* XD

You’ve never read the stories about working at Amazon, I assume. Also assume your favorite stationery items are shackles and whips, right? LOL, just kidding.

Yeah right they’ll just evict disobedient and lazy employees from the warehouse parking lot, where the employees are forced to live.

I’m pretty sure they already have grocery stores in many of their warehouses.  And book stores, clothing stores, electronics stores... next step is to hand out paddle balls in lieu of pay.

I see company scrip is making a comeback.  I wonder how soon until they put grocery stores in their warehouses for employees to buy food and other non-prize goods for doing their job in lieu of better pay or working conditions.

1: A hundred years ago, having your children work in coal mines was opt-in too.

Because the entire point of “gamification” is to remove “reasonable and obtainable” from the employer’s responsibility. It’s getting you to compete against your coworkers for a gift card. 

You’ve clearly never worked for Amazon. Just because people are physically able to meet a goal, doesn’t mean it’s realistic to expect that on a continual basis. No one can run at full tilt 24 hours a day. It’s completely unreasonable to expect such a thing as well.

Oh, right, an endless game where you chase a dragon...

“It’s like saying a movie has no artistic merit or is vapid and shallow when you’ve only seen a trailer.”

So a videogame writer is shown an exclusive demo of an upcoming highly anticipated title and she shouldn’t write anything? It’s entirely ok to form an opinion based on an early showing of something, and maybe change your mind if the final product is different or meets your expectations.

“an hour of Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t show me anything about Night City that surprised me

I've once seen a documentary on Japan's fruit agriculture and they show that they actually uses machine to sort out the bad fruits. Each single fruit are placed on a huge line of conveyor belt, and then they pass a scanner that detects its weight, size, and water ratio and from there calculates whether its rotten, not

@VastlyUnderwhelmed: Ah, good to see the ol' "slippery slope" fallacy trotted out. IF WE LET GAYS MARRY, WHAT'S NEXT, MEN MARRYING DOGS???