
I disagree there: as a guy who argues online a _lot_, I get my fair share of hatemail/hate messages, and even just skimming them to delete them or vote them down, I find it wearying and exhausting, to the point where I sometimes wonder why I bothered to say anything at all.

And that's just being a cis-gender male with

If my sister's experience on OKC is any indication, then yes, guys don't read the profiles at all. :( Except for our one friend who we met on there, but he's pretty cool like that.

I do read profiles as well, but I'm weird and picky, and I admit I like pictures as well, as I don't look at profiles without them.

OKC is about casual sex?! That I didn't know: I generally expect other people to read profiles, not just look at pictures, and considering OKC actually has settings where you can just look for friendship, I figured it would be _less_ about casual sex.

Of course, it's a free site, so not exactly surprising if it

I think a 'creeper' is defined as someone below 5'5". ;P A physically-imposing dude cannot, by definition, 'creep' because they're simply too large. ;)

But definitely there is some correlation between size and behaviour, and 'to creep' as a verb tends to be more closely associated with beta males, not alphas.


Well, I think it extends far beyond OKC (and generally I would have hoped a dating site that seems to ostensibly care about societal issues would attract less Cro-Magnonesque types) but I see your point. So many men are all offended if they get turned down, and while I understand disappointment in rejection, so long

Your last paragraph, while I definitely think it's important for all people to be aware of their own inner drives and motivations, as well as the consequences thereof on acting on them, I also believe that women should have the agency to be able to choose 'the man they want', rather than have to choose for themselves

Apparently there is a biological basis for that, and sadly (for sadly for me as I'm 5'4" ;P) women tend to prefer men who are more 'alpha' during ovulation. I obviously can't speak to that, merely repeating what I read elsewhere:…

Agreed. I sometimes feel uncomfortable when arguing with women online (or presumably women, at any rate: they claim to be women, or self-identify as such, so ergo, others treat them as women), because I know that in many ways, our society will rate my position higher simply because I am a cis-gender male, regardless

Except that men also are arbiters of how women are viewed, and how women view themselves and each other: it's men who want(ed) women to be chaste and pure, which created the whole madonna/whore false dichotomy of how women are viewed as either 'sluts' or pristine, virginal purveyors of immaculate conception.

Totes agreed. As a cis-guy, I used to play female characters on online games but stopped after repeated sexual harassment from fellow players (thankfully no one I knew in my 'real' persona). I was glad to have done it though, because it gave me a little bit more insight into how our society treats women and girls.

I don't think I suggested anywhere that the power imbalance (or her refusal to accept Nicholson's advances) _would definitely_ have an effect on Lawrence's career. I certainly think it's possible, but not really what I was arguing, but rather why it was creepy when men like Nicholson aren't mindful of their power

The imbalance in power dynamics is always crucial to understanding relationships between people, regardless of degree. Jennifer Lawrence may have star power now because of her current popularity, but that's not to say that she will be able to maintain that position relative to others _in the industry_ in the long

Now playing

That's my go-to song at karaoke. Well, that and 'The Way' by Fastball. ;)

Yeah, I'm arguing with a bunch of them on the Raw Story right now. ;P

I like the atheist ones. But they need to be designed like this:

I think it's a misperception, because some of the most famous hoarders were the Collyer brothers, who were male.

That being said, I think because hoarding may be related to a dysfunction of an evolutionary adaptation of the '-gatherer' portion of the 'hunter-gatherer', and that was primarily a task delegated to women,

Gah, you just gave me a bad idea (re: pinning towels in place so they don't lose shape). Because I can't stand towels when they start to warp, and you can't fold them properly anymore because the ends get narrower while the middle remains wide and...

/also has slight hoarding and perfectionist tendencies

Maybe for important things of sentimental value, they can be scanned or digitally photographed first. All the benefits of keeping the keepsakes, without the clutter (unless you count the hard drives they're kept on, but hey, those get smaller every year with larger capacity). :)

CLOUT. Sorry, apparently being logged into '' has, uh, klouded [sic] my ability to spell words properly.

/hates intentionally wrong internet spelling

I would also add (I was going to say something about it but hit 'Publish' too soon) was that I similarly don't have issues with polyamory in and of itself: polyandry, polygyny, polygamous relationships aren't necessarily problematic in dictionary terms, but in the real world, there is a long history of polygamous