
Hey, I love my hand-cranked windows on my jeep! Well, I did, until I sold the doors off it. No windows at all, baby!

Yo dog, this post is definitely a weiner. I brat you a star just for that.

They look like the “after” pics from crash testing.

How many eagle’s beaks were used to make the dash?

Hey, that Jeep is a deal. A deal, I say! That 4.0L is awesome....unless you need gas mileage, that is.

I suspect it’s the $6800 price tag it’s supposed to have.

Dang, that 40” TV sold out in something like a minute. Even clicking as fast as I could, I was too late to buy, and even too late to get on the waitlist. Sheesh.

Dang, that 40” TV sold out in something like a minute. Even clicking as fast as I could, I was too late to buy, and

Yes, Gollum leaps out at you, but is anyone else seeing this ?

Terrifying enough to have me immediately thinking CP...but then I see the price. $1500? NP all the way.

Tell us the right way! I find myself desperately wanting to know.

You say “all over”, but I live in Hawaii, and we are never included. Although, I do live in Hawaii, so my disappointment is somewhat muted.

Not to mention the fact that her hands are PERFECTLY CLEAN.

The Want is strong with this one.



Agreed, this little thing is pure awesome....except for the fact that according to that load rating, I would bottom out the suspension if I sat in the bed. And hey, I’m not *that* huge.

This this is freaking awesome, I don’t care what all you CPers say.