
Hey, that’s not fair.

It’s true that women can wear a sundress, but it cannot be sleeveless and you cannot wear open-toed shoes to work. I was spoken to about this as an intern in college.

This is going to be depressing, but: it starts early.

This reminds me a lot of coworkers I encounter as a teacher (and, I suppose, teachers I encountered when I was a student). I get the frustration: in both cases, you can't do your job unless people listen to you. But some people just won't listen. Some people don't listen to cops who are only trying to enforce the law;

I say she has as much of a right to be Miss Japan as any other Japanese citizen. It's not as if she stormed into the auditorium and stole the crown off some full-blooded girl's head. She won it, fair and square.

Ugh, my coworkers decided to share that last year. My life was SO MUCH better before I saw that chocolate frosted butt.

Anecdotal, but friends of mine who get their butts waxed say that afterwards, their farts are louder. No hair to cover the sound, I guess? I wonder if a vast ass could also muffle the noise better than a flat ass.

I'm a teacher and a tutor. If I were you, I'd sit down with her and watch her do her homework. Don't help her with it (she doesn't need it) but make sure she does it. If she doesn't do it, she'll probably hate school even more, because she'll always be in trouble there. If she sees that she can get praise for doing

I picked kids up from summer camp for five years on the UWS. For four years in a row, the 2/3 was a dream. Then last year, out of nowhere... the fucking thing just started having these stupid signal problems. They weren't announced on the website and nobody mentioned them until you'd been waiting in the train station

I'd heard a lot about Japan's trains before I went there. They didn't look like much, but they were perfect.

Me too, but my favorite part is Niles.

I loved Mindy Kaling's book!

Her relationship with Annalise makes no sense if she didn't kill Lila. All the weird guilt and groveling and secret-keeping... I hope they don't make her into just another boring affair with Sam.

But she tried to have sex with him!

A friend of mine does digital editing for TV and movies. She says for basically every actor over 25, they have to add abs.

That? That's just a boxer party.

Nobody is having enough sex. Least of all me. I may actually go see this movie.

Additionally, it seems that after 20 years or so, an MMR booster is a good idea? (I've been getting so many boosters lately, including the DPT booster that is technically not recommended for me because I have seizures. I'd rather get a DPT booster and have a seizure than get whooping cough from some asshole parent's

That would assume that kids have control over what they eat, whereas every kid I know relies on adults to supply their food and prepare it. Sure, some kids are fussier than others; some kids will happily eat an entire pig. But if I made a meal for my kid and he told me it wasn't healthy, I would tell him to go fuck

Sure, because polio is the gift I give myself.