
Does one of you have to be wrong? You want one thing. They want another. Is that impossible?

I suppose you could say those girls were silly, but now that I think about it, I don’t know how you really become a porn actress...

For me part of it is from therapy and part of it is from reading articles in women’s magazines that advise strongly to begin all serious conversations with “I feel like...” In retrospect, my parents should never have allowed middle-school me to read Cosmo.

Why don’t they just have single-sex units? Then the men don’t have to worry about their giant bodies being dragged, and the women don’t have to worry about their entire unit hating them.

It makes sense because:

That’s weird, I thought he was descended entirely from Jerry Garcia.

So, the guy I’m dating was, until a couple weeks ago, a virgin. I want to write to give you some hope.

Well, my name is still too ethnic for that. That's why I'm trying to marry Tim Allen!

I always wonder if Hawaii is as great as people say it is. Alas, I’ve never won an Ironman lottery, so I may never know.

On the one hand, I agree that salon services feel a little weird. On the other, I disagree about the distinction between mani-pedis and other salon services. Lots of people cut their own hair or wax at home, for example, and I personally can’t polish my own nails because my hands tremble too much (but I don’t wear

I agree. However, I worry that only rich people would be able to access it, further widening the gap between the poor/sick/disabled and the rich/healthy/glorious. But that’s not an issue with the technology itself.

My high school biology teacher (public school, New York, 2004) taught us evolution, but on the first day, she set aside a couple minutes to explain how evolution and creationism didn’t have to contradict each other. Basically, she said that if you took God’s seven days of creation and expanded them over billions of

You’re completely right. An uneducated American can’t tell propaganda from fact, so why educate them?

Maybe you’re descended from Marie Antoinette.

The lube is so crucial! In high school, my boyfriend always tried to finger me when I was dry or near-dry, and it basically made me hate the act. It’s not foreplay! It’s a main dish!

I do think that watching porn in moderation is fine. BUT most guys in their early 20s do not watch in moderation. They watch all day. Later, they get jobs and can’t watch all day, and some of them calm down. But combine the lack of real sexual experience with watching pros doing some acrobatic shit, and you get a

That is true....

Sometimes, when I look at my students, I imagine having a kid like that someday. And that usually feels pretty nice, not sexy, but warm. Maybe she got her wires crossed.

I think a big thing in this case is that Letourneau specifically selected a victim who had nobody protecting him. His mother was the one who raised those little girls...who were born when he was like 12 years old. Some parents might raise a big fuss, try to keep their kid away from the predator, maybe move to a

Exactly. My brother told us all he was going to marry his kindergarten teacher. Weirdly enough, she didn’t leave her husband and kids to take up with a five-year-old!