
My theory: Trump legit has a cluster B personality disorder. Kanye is just a cokehead.

I believe that although I'm having a hell of a time finding raw demographic breakdowns. Every site just has dumb graphs that only tell half of what I need to know.

Maybe you phrased it wrong then. |{Women} U {PoC}| = |{Women}| + |{PoC}| - |{Women} ∩ {PoC}|

You're double counting WoC

What got us into this mess was the DNC putting up an underwhelming and flawed candidate.

Maybe not "love" doing it, but my boss doesn't really appreciate it when I tell them the project they've put me on is a pain in the ass.

Minus the travel that's every job

From the little I know of both (based soley on a few podcast episodes) the actual practice of modern witchcraft is the same as the other "schools" of magic updated and sold to women. E.g. Crowley's masturbatory rituals -> crystal dildoes sold online. Chaos magic -> emoji spells.

Do you consider "idiot" or "moron" to be slurs?

It sounds like some fucked up Agile management bs

Really the Victorinox Fibrox is more than enough for most home cooks, especially if you don't know what you want. Finding an ideal knife is highly personal, so grabbing a $40 to teach you what a real knife feels like is a good idea

That's Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall, not (former) Denver Broncos receiver Brrandon Marshall

Check out Blood Orange

Man, I don't understand how Frank Ocean got so huge over the past 5 years or whatever. I mean I like his music, and I think it's pretty damn good, I just don't understand how these albums have so much more hype surrounding them than, for example, D'Angelo's comback last year.

He probably meant the various gonewild subs

Between the Tim Kaine pick and maybe the most tone deaf move of the season in giving DWS a job, I'm not so sure Clinton thinks she needs to keep progressives happy to win. She either (perhaps spitefully?) thinks she doesn't need them, or (more likely) expects them to fall in line at the threat of Trump.

In your own link Trump's chairman says semantically the same thing, if not in so many words: "He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn't want to do. He sees himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO," (Manafort)

How does prioritizing "paying the bills" over emotional bonding make one a shitty dad? That seems like the responsible course c.f. Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

You missed my point entirely. The article doesn't presuppose a leftist alternative to Fox News; it presupposes a fracturing of media in general. It then proposes that has led us to a situation where the left and right each see each others' beliefs as unbelievable (perhaps only believable to "fuckheads" as you've put

He says, as he posts in a comment section that prides itself in its steadfast progressiveness.