
Google only _had_ to fire him for PR. They could have just sent him home and kept paying him. It's not like they can't afford it and it's actually apparently a somewhat popular move to keep problems quiet in SV companies ("rest and vest")

I think he got exactly what he wanted: attention and inevitably martyr status among those who share his views. He's gearing up a lawsuit and I'd bet lining up a book deal. And Fox News will probably make him a tech correspondent or something.

Damn dude you've never heard of Samsung Gear? Sure it's mostly a novelty but it helps sell phones.

I mean you're a cut away from natural bodybuilding comps with your stats, and are still 15lbs shy of the "obese" BMI cutoff. Since you're already likely near or at your maximum genetic muscular potential based on those numbers, it would likely take you most of a decade to put on 10+ more pounds of muscle if you were

It's easy to have a higher BMI, but not that much. No one's making it to the obese range from muscle alone unless you're they're on steroids.

The energy has to come from somewhere. Unless you're suggesting science invents a way for people to use photogenesis or something, you're still going to need to pack calories into that pill to keep the lights on. Wrt land use hopefully we can figure out how to make stuff like vertical farming work on a global scale

I usually weigh a couple of pounds more after the gym than before (since I usually down at least one liter of water during and one after).

Arnold was genetically blessed, had an insane work ethic…. and he was on 'roids. A chart isn't going to accurately categorize statistical outliers, let alone a body that is literally impossible to attain naturally

It's a decent statistical tool for studies like this. You're right that it's largely useless on an individual basis.

The study [0] analyzes survey data. I suspect they may have just shown people are more likely to lie about their diet and workout habits than they were in the 80s.

How the hell is he an "archetypal low-confidence guy"? He's written as almost impossibly confident, excepting the whiny scene in this episode.

As a marketing buzzword it's definitely annoying, but unless you're arguing for some kind of neo-Luddism, I don't know what the alternative is.

As someone who's been through the "Big 4" recruiting process a couple of times, having contacts/references definitely helps, but it isn't going to get you a job. It's not like they let your friends interview you. There's no way a C average college dropout could get thru a technical interview (without putting in the

It would be hard for him to even land a phone screen with any of the IRL Hooli analogues, let alone make it through a technical interview.

I read an interview with the authors of that study last week. Their conclusions and the conclusion Dan was reaching both seem like a stretch to me (though to their credit they've resulted in a lot of attention for their work). The study showed men self reported feeling more masculine when presented with a scenario in

IIRC Henry and Marcus both practice chaos magic, Ben thinks it's all bullshit. They never really try to sell the listeners on it though. Mostly Henry will make vague references to it that could be taken as postmodern or Jungian ideas if you weren't aware of their beliefs.

If the mindfulness exercises are helping a bit with your anxiety, you should try a daily meditation practice assuming you don't have one already. It's helped me immensely with my social anxiety. I won't go into detailed instructions, since I'm still a beginner and they're easy enough to find online, but sitting for 5

I voted for Hillary, but in retrospect maybe she shouldn't have set up a private email server in a transparent effort to skirt FOIA?

There's really nothing wrong with the four-in-hand. Unless you're a 60 y.o. Italian guy there's no reason to go with big flashy knots.

I'm not sure if I'm reading her right either. It sounds like she dumped/rejected woke bro who went home and listened to Nebraska and felt sad, which is bad because women are going through worse?