
Not many people are dedicated or gifted enough to put up scary amounts of weight. The average person doing squats for aesthetics and/or general fitness is going to plateau at some point well short of powerlifting levels.

No one said you have to squat 700 fucking lbs. Non power lifters and non bodybuilders are never going to blow an acl doing squats with good form. Squat 2 or 3 plates in normal rep ranges like a non-obsessive person and you'll prevent more damage than you cause.

Aging? Being obese?

What else recruits as many muscle groups?

Squats are worse for your knees if you don't break parallel. Done right they're not "fucking horrible". They're still worth doing regardless of potential damage because they're pretty much the best single exercise.

Even excess muscle weight is not healthy as it requires your heart and respiratory system to work harder, not to mention your joints. That said you're unlikely to ever reach a significantly unhealthy amount of muscle natty

I'm pretty sure that already happened in the first or second season

OTOH I've worn leggings before and they're comfortable AF

Most mall brands are fairly consistent for men. A 32 at the Gap is going to be more or less the same as a 32 at J. Crew. The same does not apply to mall brand women's clothes. Where it gets tricky for men is high end stuff. Some brands go true to size, some brands go crazy with vanity sizing. My true waist is right

This is fine with me so long as no one can call me short without my expressed consent

It's not just the internet though. I mean it makes sense that there'd be an article here. Maybe it's my fault for watching network news, but they spent at least 3 minutes talking about this this morning, and maybe 2 sentences on the PM of Iceland stepping down.

Man, by the coverage this story got this morning you'd think it's 1000X bigger (no pun intended) than the Panama papers leak.

Hannah is a train wreck of a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler. I don't know how anyone would want to be around her without punching her in the face either.

Malamutes are assholes to other dogs, and definitely try to establish some kind of hierarchy (or at least that's what I think they're doing by trying to hump my male dog's head) in my experience.

How edgy

It's probably just me, but the more time we spend with these characters, the more I realize I think I'd hate to know and/or interact with them in real life. I don't know if it's because we learn more about them and their backgrounds, or if it's Flanderization. To an extent I suppose they acknowledged that this episode

How far does this argument extend though? If a man came to this comment section saying he'd been cheated on by a woman with a high "number" and now prefers not to date women with prolific sexual histories, he'd be pilloried.

Is that who it is? In the trailer it looked like the one that rhymes with Booms Yay

Sorry, that just struck me as extremely odd and made me uncomfortable. I mean who sleeps with no panties but still wearing what looked like a sports bra? Who as an adult gets naked at all in the same room as a parent? If the nudity truly was naturalistic I'd have less of a problem with it, but this show often (as in

You can take out private loans when you can't get or need more than the federal ones will cover.