
If the scene was still her taking her shorts underwear off in the same room as her mother for no ostensible reason at all? Yes.

That SP song was 13 year old me's introduction to sludge/doom

I'm a few days late to this thread, but I'm honestly shocked you weren't crucified (or at least called an MRA) for your comments here. I wonder where the crusade was? (I guess they probably don't watch ESPN).

I strongly identify with a lot of what you're laying down, but I feel compelled to say Grand Rapids isn't that bad.

Shake It Off would be a great song if she didn't go and ruin it 3/4 of the way through with that horrible spoken interlude / "This. Sick. Beat."

Hannah is supposedly not rich. Money issues in the series are always kind of nebulous, but Hannah is supposed to be middle class, and her parents cut her off in the first episode.

It's a great beer. I'm not a huge fan of Hemingway's novels but his short stories are pretty good.

Moby-Dick seems to be the consensus choice for greatest American novel, but I don't think that was what this article was arguing.

Can anyone explain the line about trip-hop in there? I know it's not a relevant genre, but I didn't realize it's generally mocked. I mean it seems like an influence on a lot of P4k darlings these days, at least to a certain extent.

Dear god do I hate "Post to Be". That would be an excellent candidate for this column. Any song that so deliberately and consciously butchers the English language needs to be banned. Albeit the eat the booty like groceries line is funny.

I know OMG the Broad City bitches are back YAS KWEEN etc. will give this episode a lot of leeway for most people, but for me this wasn't an A episode. The only big laugh I got was when the porta-potty got craned up with Abbi in it. I thought a lot of it was a bit dull and predictable. Tho in the interest of full

This show is on regular cable, so Ilana's nudity carries less weight. It's unlikely she's ever even *actually* nude. I'm sure you're at least half right that Dunham's nudity is complained about because she isn't conventionally attractive, but if it was censored and played for laughs like the nudity is on BC I suspect

That first clip contrasted with the serious tone of this article is some grade A comedy. I mean the editing, the music, the same-y-ness of all the contestants, that incredibly tedious conversation about the logistics of single parenting silenced with that burn was fucking hilarious.

Nope: Ignorantia juris non excusat- ingorance of the law is not an excuse. In the US this applies unless the statute specifically states otherwise

Got drunk on mimosas by 11:30 (one bottle of champagne between 2 people adds up). Banged on our new Liberator wedge+ramp. Planned on staying in all day but wound up getting cabin fever by 5:30 (we spent all of Saturday in the apartment apart from a dinner out that cost way too much). Saw Deadpool on a whim. Ordered

It's ok I'm at work too (as a programmer). I do think programming on a tablet would be a PITA and borderline impossible if it's running a mobile OS. But if you're eager to learn just keep in mind you don't need great hardware- a $300 netbook will basically serve you equally well as a $1500 MacBook.

I don't know what you're using right now (you could have typed this comment on a phone or library computer for all I know). But you don't really need a good laptop to start coding. All you really need is something with internet access. There are many interactive online tutorials that have built in text editors and

I'm one of those sometimes reviled software developers

Am I automatically an asshole for being a white dude in tech, or am I in the clear because I live 2000 miles from Silicon Valley

A good half of all of Savage Love questions could be solved with googling.