Bob Sacamano

This person:

Building consensus is fine when you have sides that are interested in the same goal but want to take different paths to get there.

So Pearl Jam was right! I knew it!

How is it vindictive though? If she truly believes these embryos are already little lives (they’re not, but she seems to regard them as such), then this offers a solution that allows them to be used and eventually become actual living beings without forcing him to become a parent with his ex against his will.

Taping signals during 2000-2006 was perfectly legal, wasn’t it? Am I just taking crazy pills here?

Roger Goodell is so incompetent that a guy who beat his girlfriend and threw her onto a couch full of assault rifles is now liking his chances of beating Goodell in court.

Cell phone? When JJ Watt has a message to deliver, he just sets a fucking example and informs the media.

It’s easy to be cynical about celebrities in general, especially since Bill Cosby turned out to be a fucking monster. But you have to be pretty dead inside not to be inclined to believe, based on the words of Colbert especially as well as those of others, and the mere fact that, like, EVERYBODY contributed and most

I haven’t even finished this but I did just finish the no foam cappuccino story, and it’s making me angry. Not even ironically angry or funny angry. I just loathe most no foam orders. The person almost always has no understanding about how their drink is made and when there is even a small amount of foam in their

Turn it off and on again.

I had a woman on the phone yesterday ordering a fruit tree, and it was loud in the store PLUS there was a bad connection, so I asked her to spell the name of the variety. She says, “T as in Tom.” And I say, “B as in Bomb squad?” And she says, “No, T as in Tom.” And I say, “P as in Palm tree?” And she says, “NO, T AS

You’re obviously a nice, normal person.

My experience in the service industry has taught me the best way to piss off an asshole is to remain polite as possible. Probably the only time I smiled working at Six Flags or Dunkin’ was telling someone to have a nice day.

They should suspend him without pay.

NCAA to Players: It's not fair that the sports that make the most money should follow a different set of rules from all of the other athletes.