Bob Sacamano

When same sex marriage was about to become legal, a whole bunch of priest and reverends complained they would be forced to marry gay couples in their churches. Of course that never happened. It is ridiculous this type of argument keeps getting recycled.

Funny how the veteran FDNY paramedic got to remain anonymous in the article. Good for him.

I know people are often given a day or a week in prison as more of a symbolic punishment, but shouldn’t there be a cutoff of at least a month time or the whole sentence is suspended. It seems like these day or week long sentences are just a waste of time and money for the system. I’m not saying this guy does not

I’m the sole bleeding heart liberal in my office. Couple days after the election, I heard two conservative guys complaining they would pay more in taxes under the proposed GOP plans. They just realized this. I’d been telling them that for months. The best part is I work at an accounting firm and all three of us are

You were on the air for six seasons you entitled brat. Call it a decent run and make another show like every other working TV actor or writer would. Also, Fox owns the show. If it was really so good, they would have kept it going.

I’ve loved Rage for over 20 years now. I really thought he was saying “Quit it now”. That makes more sense.....I feel dumb.

My in-laws are conservative. My wife obviously knows I’m liberal, but her family is unaware of my political leanings for now. We want to keep it that way. My father-in-law is very outspoken on his views. He really likes me, but I worry our relationship would take a hit if he found out. I do wish I could be open about

Most of the refs have other full time jobs. For example, Ed Hochuli is a partner at law firm. My understanding is if they make them full-time, they would have to give up or significantly scale back their other jobs. They would have to make themselves more available to the NFL for meetings and whatever. In most cases,

I’d like to know if any of the players or even if a ref was colorblind, but I don’t see anything on that yet. I’m sure that close to the action, you would have to just focus on the helmet logos to tell the other team apart. But the action going so fast, it still has to be a nightmare.

Feet first yes, that should stop anyone from hitting him and it’s clearly a late hit. I’m just used to seeing QBs turn on their side after sticking their feet out. The moment hit he starts the slide feet first, he should be protected. I don’t think he has to leave himself vulnerable to prove he can’t be hit by the

When a quarterback slides isn’t he supposed to try and protect himself a little? Teddy slid with his chest out forward and his head exposed for contact. Usually QBs slide turning sideways with one side of their body facing the ground and moving their head away from any action. It looks like Teddy didn’t protect

Stephen Colbert eviscerates Jon Stewart!

Some are cheap bastards who think they are being ripped off. I’ve seen people complain about it in beer because any amount of foam below the glass rim could have been more liquid instead.

It will just be another minute.

Never understand why people get so offended when asked to repeat something to a waiter or cashier. If you want to double check or ask me again, that’s fine. It means you care to get it done right.

I did find this to work at times. At Blockbuster (RIP), a guy berated me for being too quick at the register. I had a long line and my only co-worker that day was on break. Just trying to be helpful and move everybody along, but this guy wasn’t having it. I gave a dead-eyed wide smile, told him I appreciated his

Andy Reid already called a timeout because he’s confused.

Marion Butts.

The Ravens' offensive game plan is based on drawing pass interference and defensive holding penalties to account for their quarterback, who can't do anything but throw a decent deep ball. Harbaugh made use of the rules to his advantage and now he's throwing a fit when the rules are used to catch him off guard.

I'm not LGBT, but I was picked on as a kid. If someone started fighting me out of nowhere, the teachers didn't care who started it. We were all responsible and needed to be punished. Even when I did nothing I was still to blame somehow. If I was accused of hitting someone first, suddenly I was the only one in trouble.